#!/usr/bin/wish # what: Departure/Arrival Style Text Presenter canvas .c -width 800 -height 100 pack .c .c create rect {0 0 20 100} -outline darkgreen -fill darkgreen .c create rect {780 0 800 100} -outline darkgreen -fill darkgreen .c create rect {0 0 800 30} -outline darkgreen -fill darkgreen .c create rect {0 70 800 100} -outline darkgreen -fill darkgreen set alfa [ list { } A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V X Y Z 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : . , ; ] set Lref [ join $alfa {} ] set alfa [ join $alfa \n ] set text_x 100 set text_y 30 set text_xd 20 for {set idx 0} {$idx < 32} { incr idx} { set text_coords [ list $text_x $text_y ] set text_tags [ list P$idx Text ] .c create text $text_coords \ -text $alfa \ -anchor ne \ -font {-size 28} \ -tags $text_tags \ incr text_x $text_xd } set Dtext "HANNOVER LH534 19:30 DELAYED 30MIN " .c lower Text for {set idx 0} {$idx <= 32} { incr idx} { set L [ string index $Dtext $idx ] set offs [ string first $L $Lref ] puts stderr "L:$L offs:$offs" set offs [ expr $offs * 40 ] set wait 0 set del 1 while { $wait < $offs } { .c move P$idx 0 -1 after $del incr wait vwait wait if {($offs - $wait) < 4 } { set del 50 } elseif {($offs - $wait) < 14 } { set del 20 } } } ---- [http://home.foni.net/~kuttersegeln/tclerswiki/arriv1.gif] [http://home.foni.net/~kuttersegeln/tclerswiki/arriv2.gif] ---- See [text] for more details [UK] the text widget does not realy apply here. I wrote this to have something similar to the "faling segment" type presenters you see used at airports and trainstations using a [canvas] and moving text items. [Category Example] | [Category Text Widget]