[http://www.utexas.edu/coc/journalism/SOURCE/j331fall00/faq/cuecat.jpg] '''Q:''' What is it? '''A:''' The :CueCat[http://www.digitalconvergence.com/] reader reads any product/bar code and instantly transports you to the corresponding Web page for that product. It is not the same thing as a UPC, which swipes products and coupons like soup cans, and price tags, or an ISBN, which swipes magazines, books, and CDs, but it functions in the same way. ''NOTE'': Each CueCat has a unique serial number assoicated with it that is transmitted to DC each time a scan is performed with their software. FAQ : http://www.utexas.edu/coc/journalism/SOURCE/j331fall00/faq/cuecat.html ---- [Michael Jacobson]: Here is some code I wrote a while back to decode a cuecat in Tcl. Need to to be repackage a little better but it works. Also see [TkCatScan] for a GUI interface for this libarary. ---- package provide CueCat 1.0 namespace eval CueCat { # make the procedures visiable namespace export Decode Encode InvCase # charater position array used to determine the offset (zero based!!!) variable seq "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789+-" #0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123 # 1 2 3 4 5 6 proc Decode {inputstr} { variable seq #remove grouping if brackets get applied regsub -all ^{ $inputstr "" inputstr regsub -all }$ $inputstr "" inputstr set outstr {} foreach catstr [split $inputstr .] { foreach {a b c d} [split $catstr ""] { set shiftnum 0 foreach catlet "$a $b $c $d" { # get the position of each char (zero based) set num [string first $catlet $seq] # shift existing data right 6 and add new data set shiftnum [expr [expr $shiftnum <<6] | $num] } # now take the 24 bits and group them into 8 bit fields set tempstr {} for {set x 0} {$x<3} {incr x} { # xor the data with dec 67 (aka hex 43) and get the char value # add the char to the end of the output string set tempstr [format %c [expr [expr $shiftnum & 255] ^ 0x43]]$tempstr set shiftnum [expr $shiftnum >> 8] } append outstr $tempstr } # add a seperator in the string so you can use lindex command to get results append outstr " " } return [string trim $outstr] } proc Encode {args} { variable seq set outstr {} append outstr . #remove grouping if brackets get applied regsub -all ^{ $args "" args regsub -all }$ $args "" args #loop over each string set foreach catstr $args { #read in 3 chars at a time (need to error check this) foreach {a(0) a(1) a(2)} [split $catstr ""] { set totnum 0 for {set x 0} {$x<3} {incr x} { # scanned char convert to ordinal num scan $a($x) %c decnum # existing number move it overs and put current num in lower 8 bit # also xor 67 into the lower 8 bit number set totnum [expr [expr $totnum << 8] + [expr $decnum ^ 67]] } set tempstr {} for {set x 0} {$x<4} {incr x} { #take the lower 6 bits of the totnum word and find its index in seq index list #prepend it to the tempstr array (to get the order correctly since we are doing it backwards set tempstr [string index $seq [expr $totnum & 0x3F]]$tempstr #get rid of the bits just processed set totnum [expr $totnum >> 6] } #append the decode 3 chars (now 4 chars) to the output string append outstr $tempstr } append outstr . } return [string trim $outstr] } proc InvCase {inputstr} { set original "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" set inverse "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" regsub -all ^{ $inputstr "" inputstr regsub -all }$ $inputstr "" inputstr set outstr {} foreach letter [split $inputstr ""] { set num [string first $letter $original] if {$num > -1} { append outstr [string index $inverse $num] } else { append outstr $letter } } return [string trim $outstr] } proc ISBN {args} { # the procedure to generate ISBN check sum is to: # take first 9 digits, and multiply the MSB by 10 the next by 9 etc # till the last digit is mult by 2. then add all these values and mod 11 # subtract 11 from this value and add it onto the end as the ninth digit #978013022028890000 # 0123456789 #01234567890123 regsub -all ^{ $args "" args regsub -all }$ $args "" args set isbnum [string range [lindex $args [expr [llength $args] -1]] 3 11] set check 0 for {set i 0} {$i < 9} {incr i} { set check [expr $check + [expr [string index $isbnum $i] * (10 - $i)]] } set numcheck [expr $check % 11] if { $numcheck == 0} { append isbnum "0" } elseif { $numcheck == 1} { append isbnum "X" } else { append isbnum [expr 11-$numcheck] } #formated return statement (not needed) but keep just in case I reimplement it #return "[string range $isbnum 0 0]-[string range $isbnum 1 2]-[string range $isbnum 3 8]-[string range $isbnum 9 9]" return $isbnum } }