This wiki is a great source for nearly everything tcl related. And sometimes the gems found need a little polish. On the page [windows icons] [CF] has provided the missing link for creating full blown icon files for the amazing [Tclkit] based [Starpack]s. Unfortunately this script doesn't run out of the box with a minimal tcl installation or a starkit. So her comes a slightly enhanced ''standalone'' version from [UKo] that uses the [tklib] [ico]-package. Prerequisites: * ''convert'' from [Image Magick] * the [ico]-package either in the current directory, a lib-subdirectory or just installed Save the code to a file ''CreateWinIcon.tcl'' and call it like this ====== tclkit CreateWinIco.tcl img48.gif ====== This gives a wonderful tclkit.ico with all necessary sizes and color depths. ====== #! /usr/bin/env wish package require Tk lappend auto_path "." "lib" package require ico # the original graphics file must be a GIF with dimen 48x48 # (PNG doesn't work, for tk doesn't know about it) set orig [lindex $argv end] set icoFile tclkit.ico image create photo temp48 -file $orig ::ico::writeIcon $icoFile 0 8 temp48 if {[image width temp48] != 48 || [image width temp48] != 48} { puts stderr "'$orig' is not an 48x48 image file" exit } pack [label .i -image temp48] pack [label .l -textvariable state -width 18] set pos -1 foreach s {48 32 16} { set name [format "temp%s" $s] set geom [format %dx%d $s $s] set state "$geom @ 256"; update idle; exec convert -geometry $geom -colors 256 $orig $name.gif image create photo $name -file $name.gif ::ico::writeIcon $icoFile [incr pos] 8 $name set state "$geom @ 16"; update idle; exec convert -geometry $geom -colors 16 $orig r$name.gif image create photo r$name -file r$name.gif ::ico::writeIcon $icoFile [incr pos] 4 r$name file delete $name.gif r$name.gif } set state "DONE\nIcon file is $icoFile" pack [button .b -text "EXIT" -command exit] ====== ---- !!!!!! %| [Category Gui] |% !!!!!!