Version 5 of Coroutines for event-based programming

Updated 2008-08-26 23:31:11 by NEM

NEM 2008-08-26: In A brief introduction to closures and continuations for event-based programming I described a simple programming task which is very simple to write when interacting with a console or other synchronous device, but which becomes trickier to implement in an event-oriented manner. The difficulty is that we not only have to change the particular implementation of our software, but we also have to restructure the flow of control of the entire program to accommodate an event-based approach. I then discussed how various programming features, such as closures (which we (can) have), and continuations (which we don't) can help to improve this situation. In this article, I want to show how the experimental coroutine facilities provided in the 8.6 alphas can be used to address the same task. Hopefully this demonstrates a powerful example of what these facilities can achieve, whilst focussing attention on those areas that might need more thought.

As a recap, the original problem is to write a program that asks the user for two numbers and then displays their sum. The "spec" for the program is represented by this simple main routine, written in direct style:

proc main {} {
    set x [ask "First number:"]
    set y [ask "Second number:"]
    tell "Sum = [expr {$x + $y}]"

The task then is to implement suitable tell and ask procedures, ideally without having to alter the main routine at all. For a simple console application, this is straight-forward:

proc ask question {
    puts -nonewline "$question "
    flush stdout
    gets stdin
proc tell message { puts $message }
main ;# Works as expected

When we move to a Tk GUI implementation, however, things start to fall apart. The trouble is that Tk GUIs just don't work in this direct style; they work in an event-based style. In the above linked page, I show how to adapt the program to this new style, and then how to slowly move back to something resembling the simple direct program. I won't recap that here. I did however, hint at how continuations can be used to completely recapture the direct style program. In this page, I want to show how a similar result can be achieved using the coroutines that MS has provided for us. Indeed, the kind of coroutines implemented are roughly equivalent to a kind of one-shot continuation. Indeed, with the facilities in the latest CVS HEAD version of Tcl, our main can be exactly the same as the simple version above. All that needs to change is our implementation of tell and ask and a simple change to the way main is called. This is something of a holy grail of event-oriented programming, and says a lot for the power of the coroutine mechanism. Here's the new procedure implementations:

namespace path ::tcl::unsupported
proc ask q {
    toplevel .ask
    pack [label .ask.l -text $q] [entry .ask.e]
    raise .ask; focus .ask.e
    bind .ask.e <Return> [format {
	set ans [.ask.e get]
	destroy .ask
	%s $ans
    } [infoCoroutine]]
proc tell msg { tk_messageBox -message $msg }

These are essentially the same as the callback versions from the previous page, but with a mysterious yield at the end of the ask procedure. To tie this all together, we implement a spawn command to launch the initial main coroutine:

proc spawn cmd {
    set k [gensym]
    coroutine $k $cmd
proc gensym {{prefix "::coroutine"}} {
    variable gensymid
    return $prefix[incr gensymid]

Finally, we can call our main:

spawn main

If you run this, you'll see that it does in fact work.

So what's actually going on here? Well, the trick is to make the main routine itself into a co-routine, so that it can be interrupted and resumed as events occur. The spawn procedure simply creates a unique coroutine that calls the main proc. The ask procedure then creates the GUI and uses this coroutine argument as the callback to be called when the user enters data. It then calls yield cause the main computation to suspend (and thus yielding back to the event loop). The event GUI then carries on until the user enters a number and hits Return. At this point, the coroutine is invoked, resuming the main computation and returning the result as the result of the yield. This then becomes the result of the ask procedure as if it had worked exactly like our original synchronous version. Voila!

Hopefully this is comprehensible. So, what conclusions/issues can we draw from this?

  • The proposed coroutine mechanism is very powerful, and meshes well with existing Tcl/Tk idioms.
  • In particular, this is a promising approach to taming event-based programming.
  • There is the need to generate unique names for the coroutines (not a massive burden).
  • We need a spawn to convert the main into a coroutine (again, not a massive burden).

Overall, an extremely interesting capability.

NEM Discussion welcome.

MS your wish is my command: HEAD now has tcl::unsupported::infoCoroutine that returns the fully qualified name of the currently executing coroutine. With this I think that the pesky $k can go. Too bad it didn't make it in time for Tcl8.6a2.

NEM Updated above to make use of the new facilities. Here is also a little ensemble wrapper around the unsupported facilities:

# coroutine.tcl --
#       Ensemble wrapper around the coroutine facilities in Tcl 8.6
package require Tcl	 8.6a2
package provide coroutine   1.0

namespace eval ::coroutine {
    namespace export create spawn yield current
    namespace ensemble create -map {
	create      ::tcl::unsupported::coroutine
	spawn       ::coroutine::spawn
	yield       ::tcl::unsupported::yield
	current     ::tcl::unsupported::infoCoroutine
    variable gensymid 0
    # wrapper around [coroutine create] that generates a unique name.
    proc spawn {cmd args} {
	set id [gensym]
	coroutine create $id $cmd {*}$args
    proc gensym {{prefix "coroutine"}} {
	variable gensymid
	return [namespace current]::$prefix[incr gensymid]