Version 0 of Convert values to photo image

Updated 2008-08-07 19:26:47 by aricb

aricb A poster on comp.lang.tcl [L1 ] was looking for code to convert a rectangular set of floating point values into a color image, similarly to MATLAB's imagesc. I used to do some data visualization in a previous life, so I thought I'd bite. Critiques welcome.

  # Aric Bills 2008
  # no rights reserved

  package require math::statistics

  proc generateDefaultColormap {} {
    for {set i 0} {$i < 256} {incr i} {
      lappend colormap [format #%02x%02x%02x $i $i $i]
    return $colormap

  proc valuesToImg {data args} {
    # Required argument:
    #   data: a list of lists containing the values to plot;
    #       outer lists are rows; inner lists are columns
    # Optional arguments:
    #   -photo <handle>
    #       use <handle> instead of creating a new photo object
    #   -colormap <colormaplist>
    #       use <colormaplist> instead of the default 256-level
    #       grayscale map.  <colormaplist> should be a list of
    #       valid Tk colors (see man page for Tk_GetColor); the
    #       lowest value in the data maps to the first item in
    #       <colormaplist>
    #   -min <value>
    #       scale data so that all values <value> and lower map
    #       to the first value in the colormap
    #   -max <value>
    #       scale data so that all values <value> and higher map
    #       to the last value in the colormap

    # get width and height of data
    set height [llength $data]
    set width [llength [lindex $data 0]]

    # ensure that data is numerical and rectangular
    foreach row $data {
      if {[llength $row] != $width} {
        error "data is not rectangular"
      foreach item $row {
        if {![string is double -strict $item]} {
          error "data contains non-numerical item \"$item\""

    # set default values for options
    set options(-max) [math::statistics::max [join $data]]
    set options(-min) [math::statistics::min [join $data]]
    set options(-photo) ""
    set options(-colormap) [list]

    # validate optional arguments
    foreach {key value} $args {
      switch -- $key {
        "-max" {
          if {![string is double -strict $value]} {
            error "invalid maximum value $value"
        "-min" {
          if {![string is double -strict $value]} {
            error "invalid minimum value $value"
        "-photo" { #take this one on faith for now }
        "-colormap" { #take ths one on faith for now }
        default {
          error [concat "unknown option \"$key\"; valid options are:" \
            "[lsort -dictionary [array names $options]]"]
      set options($key) $value

    if {[llength $options(-colormap)] == 0} {
      set options(-colormap) [generateDefaultColormap]

    if {$options(-photo) eq ""} {
      set options(-photo) [image create photo \
        -width $width \
        -height $height]
    } else {
      $options(-photo) configure \
        -width $width \
        -height $height

    # populate the image
    set scaleFactor [expr {([llength $options(-colormap)] - 1) / 
      double($options(-max) - $options(-min))}]
    set y -1
    foreach row $data {
      incr y
      set x -1
      foreach value $row {
        incr x
        set colormapindex \
          [expr {int(($value - $options(-min)) * $scaleFactor)}]
        # make sure $colormapindex is within
        # 0 to ([llength $options(-colormap)]-1) inclusive
        set colormapindex [expr {
          $colormapindex < 0
            ? 0
            : $colormapindex >= [llength $options(-colormap)]
              ? [llength $options(-colormap)] - 1
              : $colormapindex
        $options(-photo) put \
          [lindex $options(-colormap) $colormapindex] \
          -to $x $y [expr {$x + 1}] [expr {$y + 1}]
    return $options(-photo)

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