[[Describe.]] Three senses: * Tk within frame of other application (written in, for example, Visual C++). So far, only works--barely--with IE. * Other application within frame of Tk * Tk application that also invokes, say, MFC widgets. [Jeffrey Hobbs] and [David Gravereaux] know the most about these. None of them really work as of January 2002 without a lot of fiddling ... [Arjen Markus] There may be a connection with [Drawing Into Foreign Windows]. [Frame] and [toplevel] bear on this topic. ----------------------------------------------------- placing the Tk widgets in IE has been simplified by using the TclControl activeX. Using the IE version 6.0, I have found it to be the most stable... TclControl can be found at: http://www.sys.uea.ac.uk/~fuzz/optcl/default.html I have made little to no changes to many Tcl/Tk apps that can run within the IE window... Yes you still need to have a copy of Tcl/Tk installed (but so does java requires a VM to be resident)...Of coarse you need to worry about security issues by allowing the activeX to access Tcl... James Garrison [[Explain tangential connections of [TclScript] and [GPS] work.]]