Combinatorial mathematics deals with, among other things, functions dealing with calculating or displaying the number of combinations one can have of 10 things taken two at a time, etc. then help me word it. [AM] In school I learned the following meanings for the expressions "permutation", "variation" and "combination": permutation: An ordering of a set of N elements where the order is significant. variation: A subset of M elements out of N elements (M lower or equal N) where the order is significant. combination: A subset of M elements out of N elements where the order is ''not'' significant. Simple formulae exist to calculate the number of permutations, variations and combinations, given N and M: Number of permutations: N! (N faculty) Number of variations: N!/(N-M)! Number of combinations: N!/M!(N-M)! So, the procedure "permutations" below is actually a procedure to return the variations. But if M == N, there is no difference. (Note: small correction in "permutations" - "subsets2" was called instead of "permutations") ---- This came up on c.l.t so searching around the wiki I found some info at [Power set of a list] as well, but when searching, I found this page first (as I assume others would) so here is a copy stolen from there (was subsets2 on that page): proc combinations { list size } { if { $size == 0 } { return [list [list]] } set retval {} for { set i 0 } { ($i + $size) <= [llength $list] } { incr i } { set firstElement [lindex $list $i] set remainingElements [lrange $list [expr { $i + 1 }] end] foreach subset [combinations $remainingElements [expr { $size - 1 }]] { lappend retval [linsert $subset 0 $firstElement] } } return $retval } [KPV] here's another version of combinations that I came up with before I found this page. It seems to be quite a bit faster (6 versus 24 seconds for the 184,756 elements when N=20, M=10). It uses an extra optional argument (prefix) to hold partial solutions, which, I think, leads to a clearer solution: proc combinations2 {myList size {prefix {}}} { ;# End recursion when size is 0 or equals our list size if {$size == 0} {return [list $prefix]} if {$size == [llength $myList]} {return [list [concat $prefix $myList]]} set first [lindex $myList 0] set rest [lrange $myList 1 end] ;# Combine solutions w/ first element and solutions w/o first element set ans1 [combinations2 $rest [expr {$size-1}] [concat $prefix $first]] set ans2 [combinations2 $rest $size $prefix] return [concat $ans1 $ans2] } If order of elements is meaningful then you would want permutations so here is a proc to do that: proc permutations { list size } { if { $size == 0 } { return [list [list]] } set retval {} for { set i 0 } { $i < [llength $list] } { incr i } { set firstElement [lindex $list $i] set remainingElements [lreplace $list $i $i] foreach subset [permutations $remainingElements [expr { $size - 1 }]] { lappend retval [linsert $subset 0 $firstElement] } } return $retval } And if you do want the power set you could use the nice version by [Kevin Kenny] presented on that page or make use of the combinations proc above: proc powerset {list} { for {set i 0} {$i <= [llength $list]} {incr i} { lappend ret [combinations $list $i] } return $ret } ---- Frans Houweling: In generating k-subsets both combinations2 and the iterative solution presented in [Power set of a list] ate up all my memory. So here is a workaround. # # nextK # Returns next k-subset given a current k-subset in ordinal representation. # For example the 126 4-subsets of a set of 9 start with {1 2 3 4} and end # with {6 7 8 9}. # Values copied to and fro between list and array to avoid lreplace hassle. # proc nextK {n k {current {}}} { if {![llength $current]} { for {set i 1} {$i <= $k} {incr i} { set c($i) $i } } elseif {[llength $current] != $k} { error "current combination not a k-subset" } else { for {set i 1; set j 0} {$i <= $k} {incr i; incr j} { set c($i) [lindex $current $j] if {![string is integer -strict $c($i)] || $c($i) == 0} { error "only ordinal numbers 1..n allowed" } } set ptr $k while {$ptr > 0 && $c($ptr) == [expr $n - $k + $ptr]} { incr ptr -1 } if {$ptr == 0} { return {} } incr c($ptr) for {set i [expr $ptr + 1]} {$i <= $k} {incr i} { set c($i) [expr $c([expr $i - 1]) + 1] } } set cL [list] for {set i 1} {$i <= $k} {incr i} { lappend cL $c($i) } return $cL } # # nextKsubset # Returns next k-subset given a current k-subset. # Translates to ordinal numbers, calls nextK and translates back. # proc nextKsubset {setListName k {subsetList {}}} { upvar $setListName nList set ordinalList [list] foreach elem $subsetList { if {[set ndx [lsearch $nList $elem]] == -1} { error "element in subsetList not in setList: $elem" } lappend ordinalList [expr $ndx + 1] } set nextList [nextK [llength $nList] $k $ordinalList] set kList [list] foreach ndx $nextList { lappend kList [lindex $nList [expr $ndx - 1]] } return $kList } # set alfabet [list a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z] # set count 0 # set thisK {} # while {[llength [set thisK [nextKsubset alfabet 23 $thisK]]]} { # incr count # puts [join $thisK ""] # } # puts "count=$count" # package require math # puts [::math::choose [llength $alfabet] 23] ---- See also * [Cartesian product of a list of lists] - little actual math here, but involves displaying one kind of combination * [Binomial coefficients] includes not only ''C(n,k)'' but also an implementation of the Gamma function. ---- [Category Mathematics]