A programming language intended to be a successor to C. Provided access to a variety of extended programming constructs such as templates, classes, methods, etc. [[Someone want to add URLs to some useful web sites?] * http://www.research.att.com/~bs/C++.html * http://www.ncits.org/cplusplus.htm * http://ec.tmit.ac.jp/koyama/c++.html ---- * [Critcl does C++] * [Invoking C commands from C++] * [Invoking Tcl commands from C++] See also these projects relating to C++ and Tcl development : * [Anjunta] * [Ara] * [Artefact] * [AutoDOC] * [AutoDOC (Reiberg)] * [BED] * [boob] * [BSVC] * [C-Forge IDE] * [Cade] * [CC2Itcl] * [CmdLine] * [Cplusplus streams and Tcl channels] * [cpp2itcl] * [Deet] * [DGC Tools] * [EvoX] * [Exuberant Ctags] * [FriGUI] * [g2 preprocessor] * [GAGS] * [GOOD] * [Highlight] * [J] * [JX Development Suite] * [MyrmecoX] * [Nebula Device] * [NSCL SpecTcl] * [Objectify] * [OBST] * [OMNeT++] * [plplot] * [prettyp] * [Ptolemy] * [robodoc] * [S-CASE] * [Sdoc] * [SLOCCount] * [SNACC] * [Source Navigator] * [SQL Relay] * [State Map Compiler (SMC)] * [Swig] * [Test Environment Toolkit] * [Tsert Integrated Test Environment] * [VAD (Visual Ada Developer)] * [Webcpp] ---- [[ [Category Object Orientation] | [Category Language] ]]