Byticle is a codename for a fictive programming language. The goal is to build a language in which there is *quite* no keyword, with a '''generalized''' infix notation. ---- [Larry Smith] Like ee? [] [Lars H]: Or [infix]? ---- The relation with Tcl is the minimalism of the approach, the fact that tokens have spaces between them. It was inspired by [Scheme] because it will be functional, enforcing recursivity, but with infix notation instead of prefix. ---- 2007-12-03 This project is being revitalized. -- ''[Sarnold]'' ---- **The source** ====== package provide byticle 0.4 namespace eval byticle { namespace export execname check get assert isnil nil _lazy variable binary variable unary variable functions variable params 0 array unset binary * array unset unary * array unset functions * proc assert {expr {msg "assertion failed"}} { if {![uplevel 1 expr $expr]} {error $msg} } proc isnil {x} {string equal $x {nil nil}} proc nil {} {list nil nil} # registers 'proc' as the implementation of 'name' with params types as 'params' proc register {name params proc} { assert {[llength $params]<3} register_[llength $params] $name $params $proc } proc register_0 {name params proc} { variable functions set functions($name) $proc } proc register_1 {name params proc} { variable unary set unary($name,$params) $proc } proc register_2 {name params proc} { variable binary set binary($name,[join $params ,]) $proc } proc get {value} { lindex $value 1 } proc check {type value} { string equal [lindex $value 0] $type } proc max {a b} { expr {$a>$b ? $a : $b} } proc updateParam {p} { variable params switch -- $p { X - `X { set params [max $params 1] } Y - `Y { set params [max $params 2] } } } proc paramtype x { assert {[regexp {^\w+$} $x]} "invalid syntax in type name $x" if {[in2 $x {expr pexpr eval open close name param func}]} { error "$x is a reserved type name" } assert {![string is integer [string index $x 0]]} "type names cannot start with a digit" } proc parseparams {body} { assert {[regexp {\s*\(\s*(\w+\s+)?(\w+)?\s*\)} $body t a b]} "missing function parameters" regexp {\w+} $a a if {$a eq ""} {set params $b} else {set params [list $a $b]} foreach x $params {paramtype $x} list $params [string range $body [string length $t] end] } proc parse {body} { set result [list] while {$body ne ""} { foreach {id token sbody} [lex $body] {break} if {$id eq "def"} { foreach {id name sbody} [lex $sbody] {break} assert {[in2 $id name]} foreach {params body} [parseparams $sbody] {break} foreach {statement body} [_parse $body yes] break lappend result definition [list $name $params $statement] } else { foreach {statement body} [_parse $body] break lappend result statement $statement } } return $result } proc in2 {elt list} { expr {[lsearch -exact $list $elt]>=0} } proc params {params token} { array set t2p {X X Y Y `X X `Y Y} set param $t2p($token) if {[in2 $param $params]} { lappend params $param } return $params } proc isValue {id} { in2 $id {nil bool param int real string func} } proc isFunc {id} { in2 $id {name fparam} } proc priority {token} { # lowest priority switch -- $token { else {return 1} then {return 2} or {return 3} and {return 4} } if [in2 $token {> < <= >= = !=}] {return 5} if [in2 $token {& | ^}] {return 6} if [in2 $token {<< >>}] {return 7} if [in2 $token {+ -}] {return 8} if [in2 $token {* / %}] {return 9} # highest priority (power) if {$token eq "**"} {return 10} #default return 6 } proc _parseOpen {bodyvar} { upvar 1 $bodyvar body set result "" while {$body ne ""} { foreach {id token body} [lex $body] {break} if {$id eq "end"} break if {[isValue $id]} { lappend result expr [list $id $token] [_parseNextExpr body yes] rework-priority result } elseif {[isFunc $id]} { lappend result $id $token [_parseExpr body yes] } else { switch $id { eval { lappend result eval [_parseOpen body] [_parseExpr body yes] rework-priority result } open { lappend result pexpr [_parseOpen body] [_parseNextExpr body yes] } close { return $result } default { if {$id eq "eos"} {error "unbalanced open parenthesis"} error "unknown id : $id" } } } } error "unbalanced open parenthesis" } proc _parseNextExpr {bodyvar {close no}} { upvar 1 $bodyvar body set result "" while {$body ne ""} { foreach {id token body} [lex $body] {break} if {$id eq "end"} break if {[isValue $id] || $id eq "open"} { error "operator expected at: $token" } elseif {[isFunc $id]} { lappend result $id $token [_parseExpr body $close] } else { switch $id { eval { lappend result eval [_parseOpen body] [_parseExpr body $close] } close { treatclose body if {$close} {return $result} error "unmatched close parenthesis" } eos { if {$close} {error "unbalanced open parenthesis"} treateos body return $result } default { error "unknown id : $id" } } } } if {$close} {error "unbalanced open parenthesis"} return $result } proc _parseExpr {bodyvar {close no}} { upvar 1 $bodyvar body set result "" while {$body ne ""} { foreach {id token body} [lex $body] {break} if {$id eq "end"} break if {[isValue $id]} { lappend result expr [list $id $token] [_parseNextExpr body $close] rework-priority result } elseif {[isFunc $id]} { lappend result $id $token [_parseExpr body $close] } else { switch $id { eval { lappend result eval [_parseOpen body] [_parseExpr body $close] rework-priority result } open { lappend result pexpr [_parseOpen body] [_parseNextExpr body $close] } close { treatclose body if {$close} {return $result} error "unmatched close parenthesis" } eos { if {$close} {error "unbalanced open parenthesis"} treateos body return $result } default { error "unknown id : $id" } } } } if {$close} {error "unbalanced open parenthesis"} return $result } proc prio {tree} { # default priority set default 4 switch -- [lindex $tree 0] { expr { switch -- [lindex $tree 2 0] { name {return [priority [lindex $tree 2 1]]} lambda {return $default} default {return -1} } } default {return -1} } } proc rework-priority {treevar} { upvar 1 $treevar tree set prio [prio $tree] #puts "$prio $tree" if {$prio == -1} {return} set innerprio [prio [lindex $tree end end]] # priority not applicable if {$innerprio == -1} {return} if {$innerprio > $prio} { lset tree end end [list pexpr [lindex $tree end end] {}] #puts "rework: $tree" } } proc treatclose {var} { upvar 1 $var body set body )$body } proc treateos {var} { upvar 1 $var body set body \;$body } proc _parse {body {define no}} { set result "" variable params set params 0 while {$body ne ""} { foreach {id token body} [lex $body] {break} if {$id eq "end"} break if {[isValue $id]} { lappend result expr [list $id $token] [_parseNextExpr body] rework-priority result } elseif {[isFunc $id]} { lappend result $id $token [_parseExpr body] } else { switch $id { eval { lappend result eval [_parseOpen body] [_parseExpr body] rework-priority result } open { lappend result pexpr [_parseOpen body] [_parseNextExpr body] } eos { if {!$define && $params} {error "X and Y are not allowed outside definitions"} return [list $result $body] } default { if {$id eq "close"} {error "unmatched close parenthesis"} error "unknown id : $id" } } } } if {!$define && $params} {error "X and Y are not allowed outside definitions"} list $result $body } proc _next {statement} { if {$statement eq ""} {return ""} foreach {type first} $statement break switch -- $type { name { return $statement } expr { return $first } pexpr { #return [_exec [lindex $statement 1]] return $first } default { return $statement } } } proc _nextstatement {statement} { if {$statement eq ""} {return ""} foreach {type first} $statement break switch -- $type { name { return "" } expr - pexpr { return [lindex $statement 2] } default { return {nil nil} } } } proc _getfunc {name argc value next} { getfunc_$argc $name $value $next } proc getfunc_0 {name value next} { variable functions assert {[info exists functions($name)]} "no such function: $name" set functions($name) } proc ary {var key} { upvar $var array llength [array names array $key] } proc getfunc_1 {name value next} { variable unary assert {[ary unary [unglob $name],*]} "no such unary operator: $name" if {[_lazy $next]} {return lazy} if {[info exists unary($name,[lindex $next 0])]} { foreach {type next} $next break return [concat $unary($name,$type) $type] } assert {[info exists unary($name,T)]} "no such operator: $name ([lindex $next 0])" return [concat $unary($name,T) T] } proc getfunc_2 {name value next} { variable binary set lazy true set msg "no such binary operator: $name" assert {[ary binary [unglob $name],*]} $msg foreach {ltype value} $value break if {[ary binary [unglob $name,$ltype],*]} { if {[ary binary [unglob $name,$ltype],*]==1 && [info exists binary($name,$ltype,T)]} { # lazy evaluation of right-side expressions return [concat $binary($name,$ltype,T) $ltype T] } if {[_lazy $next]} {return lazy} foreach {rtype next} $next break set lazy false if {[info exists binary($name,$ltype,$rtype)]} { return [concat $binary($name,$ltype,$rtype) $ltype $rtype] } if {[info exists binary($name,$ltype,T)]} { return [concat $binary($name,$ltype,T) $ltype T] } } set value [list $ltype $value] if {$lazy} { if {[ary binary [unglob $name,T],*]==1 && [info exists binary($name,T,T)]} { # allows for lazy evaluation return [concat $binary($name,T,T) T T] } if {[_lazy $next]} {return lazy} } foreach {rtype next} $next {break} if {[info exists binary($name,T,$rtype)]} { return [concat $binary($name,T,$rtype) T $rtype] } assert {[info exists binary($name,T,T)]} "no such operator: $name ($ltype,$rtype)" set next [list $rtype $next] concat $binary($name,T,T) T T } proc execname {name args} { switch [llength $args] { 0 { set s [list name $name {}] } 1 { set s [list name $name [lindex $args 0]] } 2 { set s [list expr [lindex $args 0] [list name $name [lindex $args 1]]] } default {error "incorrect argument number"} } return [_exec $s] } # determinates whether a value is to be evaluated (lazily) # or if it is already a final value proc _lazy {val} { in2 [lindex $val 0] {expr pexpr name param} } proc dputs {s} { if {[info exists ::DEBUG]} {puts $s} } proc typed {type value} { if {$type eq "T"} {return $value} lindex $value 1 } proc _exec {statement} { variable internals variable userdefined set value "" set stack "" variable context while {[llength $statement] || [llength $stack]} { dputs $statement,stack=$stack,value=$value if {![llength $statement]} { set sc [lindex $stack end] set stack [lrange $stack 0 end-1] switch -- [lindex $sc 0] { proc { set statement [lindex $context end];#Stephane Arnold $sc<-$context # restores the context set context [lrange $context 0 end-5] } expr { set statement [lindex $sc end] } func { set statement [list name [lindex $sc 2] [list expr $value {}]] set value [lindex $sc 1] } lazyfunc { foreach {dummy cmd first typeX typeY} $sc {break} set value [$cmd [typed $typeX $first] [typed $typeY $value]] set statement [lindex $sc end] } param { } default { error "no such stack context: $sc" } } } # Stephane Arnold if {$statement eq ""} { continue } foreach {type first} $statement break dputs 1,$statement,$value,$type switch -- $type { name { dputs $statement,value=$value set next [_next [lindex $statement 2]] set argc [expr {($value eq "")? (([llength $next])?1:0):2}] foreach {func fname typeX typeY} [_getfunc $first $argc $value $next] break switch -- $func { lazy { lappend stack [list func $value $first] set value "" set statement $next } func { switch $argc { 0 {set nvalue [$fname]} 1 {set nvalue [$fname [typed $typeX $next]]} 2 {set nvalue [$fname [typed $typeX $value] [typed $typeY $next]]} } #dputs $value set statement [_nextstatement [lindex $statement 2]] if {$nvalue eq "lazy"} { lappend stack [list lazyfunc $fname $value $typeX $typeY $statement] set value "" set statement $next } set value $nvalue } proc { switch $argc { 0 { lappend context "" "" } 1 { lappend context $next "" } 2 { lappend context $value $next } } # saves the context lappend context [_nextstatement [lindex $statement 2]] # executes the proc's body: # 1st save the proc context lappend stack [list proc $value $statement] # 2nd put the new stack context set statement $fname set value "" } } } expr - pexpr { lappend stack [list expr [lindex $statement 2]] set value "" set statement $first } param { switch -- $first { X { set value [lindex $context end-2] } Y { set value [lindex $context end-1] } } if {[_lazy $value]} { dputs lazy,$value,$statement set statement $value set value "" } else { set statement "" } } default { if {$statement eq ""} {return $value} set value $statement set statement "" } } } return $value } proc execute {body} { variable builtins variable userdefined set value "" foreach {type statement} [parse $body] { switch -- $type { statement { set value [_exec $statement] } definition { foreach {name params definition} $statement break register $name $params [list proc $definition] } default { error "unknown type $type" } } } set value } proc unglob {x} { string map {* \\* ? \\? [ \\[ ] \\]} $x } # the lexer proc lex {body} { set keywords {def define lambda lambda nil nil bool true bool false open ( close ) eos ; eval `(} foreach var {X Y A B} {lappend keywords param $var fparam `$var} set patterns { real {[+\-]?[0-9]+\.[0-9]+([eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?} int {[+\-]?[0-9]+} string {"([^"]*\\")*[^"]*"} name {[A-Za-z0-9+\-\*/%~\._!<>=@\|]+} func {`[A-Za-z0-9+\-\*/%~\._!<>=@\|]+} } set body [string trimleft $body " \t\n\r"] while {[string index $body 0] eq "#"} { set body [regsub {#.*$} $body ""] set body [string trimleft $body " \t\n\r"] } foreach {id k} $keywords { if {[string first $k $body]==0} { updateParam $k return [list $id $k [string range $body [string length $k] end]] } } foreach {id pat} $patterns { set patb "^${pat}\[ \\t\]+" if {[regexp $patb $body] || [regexp "^${pat}\\)" $body] || [regexp "^${pat};?" $body]} { regexp "^$pat" $body token set len [string length $token] if {$id eq "string"} { set token [string range $token 1 end-1] } return [list $id $token [string range $body $len end]] } } if {[regexp {^\s*$} $body]} { return [list end "" ""] } error "syntax error : $body" } } namespace eval byticle::funcs { namespace import ::byticle::* proc tonumber {x} { if {[string is integer $x]} {return [list int $x]} list real $x } proc bool x {list bool [expr {$x ? "true" : "false"}]} proc + {a b} { tonumber [expr {$a + $b}] } proc - {a b} { tonumber [expr {$a - $b}] } proc unary- {a} { tonumber [expr {-$a}] } proc * {a b} { tonumber [expr {$a * $b}] } proc / {a b} { tonumber [expr {$a / $b}] } proc % {a b} { list int [expr {$a % $b}] } proc fmod {a b} { list real [expr {fmod($a, $b)}] } proc puts_cmd {a} { puts -nonewline $a list string $a } proc newline {} { puts "" nil } proc car {a} { lindex $a 0 } proc cdr {a} { list list [lrange $a 1 end] } proc cons {a b} {list list [linsert $b 0 $a]} proc snoc {a b} { if {[_lazy $b]} {return lazy} list list [linsert $a 0 [get $b]] } proc make-list a {list list [list $a]} proc pair {a b} { if {[_lazy $b]} {return lazy} list list [list $a $b] } proc real x {list real $x} proc int x {list int $x} proc tostr x {list string $x} proc i2r {x} {list int [expr {int($x)}]} proc I {x} {set x} proc K {x y} { if {[_lazy $y]} {return lazy} set x } proc L {x y} { if {[_lazy $y]} {return lazy} assert {[check func $y]} "$y is not a function" set y [get $y] execname [string range $y 1 end] $x return $x } proc then {a b} { if {!$a} {return [list bool false]} if {[_lazy $b]} {return lazy} set b } proc else {a b} { if {$a} {return [list bool true]} if {[_lazy $b]} {return lazy} set b } proc first {a b} { set a } foreach t {< <= > >= = ~=} op {< <= > >= == !=} { proc $t {x y} [string map [list %OP $op] {bool [expr {$x %OP $y}]}] proc str$t {x y} [string map [list %OP $op] {bool [expr {[string compare $x $y] %OP 0}]}] } proc register {name params proc} { byticle::register $name $params [list func ::byticle::funcs::$proc] } } # The Kombinator byticle::funcs::register K {T T} K byticle::funcs::register L {T T} L # The Identity operator byticle::funcs::register I T I # Then ... else byticle::funcs::register then {bool T} then byticle::funcs::register else {bool T} else byticle::funcs::register else {T T} first # Number conversions byticle::funcs::register real real real byticle::funcs::register real string real byticle::funcs::register real int real # Integer byticle::funcs::register int int int byticle::funcs::register int string int byticle::funcs::register int real i2r # Number to string byticle::funcs::register string int tostr byticle::funcs::register string real tostr foreach proc {+ - * / > < <= >= = ~=} { foreach x {int real} { byticle::funcs::register $proc [list $x $x] $proc } } foreach proc {< <= > >= = ~=} {byticle::funcs::register $proc {string string} str$proc} byticle::funcs::register - int unary- byticle::funcs::register - real unary- byticle::funcs::register % {int int} % byticle::funcs::register % {real real} fmod # list functions byticle::funcs::register car {list} car byticle::funcs::register cdr {list} cdr byticle::funcs::register cons {T list} cons byticle::funcs::register pair {T T} pair byticle::funcs::register list T make-list byticle::funcs::register ~ {list T} snoc byticle::funcs::register puts {string} puts_cmd byticle::funcs::register newline {} newline proc e x {byticle::execute $x} ====== ---- **Example** Byticle has `cons`, `car` and `cdr`, right from LISP. It adds `list` which is unary, and `pair`: these two operators build qualified lists. Indeed `cons` requires a list as right operand. `~` is a reverse-`cons` : `X ~ Y` is like `Y cons X`. The syntax is simple: operations are evaluated left-to-right, except when parentheses or predefined priorities (like * over +) apply. When an operator follows another operator, or the beginning of an expression, it is treated as unary. `cons`, +, * and / are binary operators. `car` and `cdr` are exclusively unary, while for `-`, it is unary or binary, depending of the context. You may put parentheses when necessary for the comprehension, but predefined priorities should allow code to behave like it looks (at least, I hope so). I also added to the language two well-known lambda-calculus combinators: [K] and I. ====== e {1 + 2 * 3} e {(1 + 2) * 3} e {car cdr (1 cons (2 pair 3))} e {puts "Hello, world!"; newline} e {puts "Hello, " K puts "world!"} ====== 2007-12-23 - Now user functions can be created, with the following syntax: 'define' name (typedefs) body; typedefs contains zero to two type names. The special type name 'T' denotes generic type-matching. In body, 'X' and 'Y' can be used to define resp. left and right operands. The right operand can be evaluated lazily in some circunstances [[TODO: explain it]]. The traditionnal [if]...then...else statement is emulated with this syntax: boolexpr 'then' valueiftrue 'else' valueiffalse Please look at how the [factorial] example is built: ====== e {define add (T T) X + Y;} e {1 add 2} e {define fact (int) X > 0 then (X * fact (X - 1)) else 1} e {fact 10} ====== ---- !!!!!! %| [Category Concept] | [Category Language] |% !!!!!!