Version 6 of Bourne Shell

Updated 2015-08-04 20:49:14 by pooryorick

the Bourne Shell is one of the two predominant Unix shells.


The Traditional Bourne Shell Family , Sven Mascheck, 2001-10-07 - 2014-05-03
Shell Command Language , The Open Group Base Specifications Issue 7 , 2013
sh - shell, the standard command language interpreter , The Open Group Base Specifications Issue 6 , 2004


The Heirloom Bourne Shell


Modern variants of the Bourne Shell include

ksh, by David Korn
a popular Bourne-compatible shell which is also available on Windows.

Load or Generate a Tcl List

Here are some shell functions to generate a Tcl list from a sequence of values, and to load a Tcl list into an array. They're handy, among other things, for storing and loading structured data.

#! /bin/env bash

: ${TCLSH:=tclsh}

#generate a Tcl list from a sequence of arguments 
#example: mylist=$(tcllist one two three '{' )
tcllist () {
    local libpath
    local res 
    res=$("$TCLSH" - "$@" <<-'EOF'
        puts [lrange $argv 1 end]
    printf %s "$res"

#load a Tcl list into an array
#example:  tcllist_arr myarray '{one two {three four} five}'
tcllist_arr () {
    assert declare "$1"
    eval $1'=()'
    while read -d $'\0'; do
        eval $1'[${#'$1'[*]}]="$REPLY"'
    done < <( "$TCLSH" - "${@:2:$#}" <<-'EOF'
        proc main {arg0 argv} {
            set list [lindex $argv 1]
            foreach item $list {
                puts -nonewline $item\0
        main $argv0 $argv

Why Bourne Shell Is not Fit for Programming

It is well-known that csh is not fit for programming. Bourne shells also do not rise to the occasion. One big issue is their scoping rules. In the following example, $i in the second function interferes with $i in the first function:

f1 () {
    local i
    for ((i=0 ;i<10 ;i++)); do
        echo $i

f2 () {
    for ((i=0 ;i<5 ;i++)); do
        #do something useful


PYK 2015-08-04: In my opinion, one of the biggest reasons not to write programs in the Bourne shell language is that subshells swallow errors. In the following example, hello is not expected to print because the interpreter should exit when the unknown variable, $k is referenced, and indeed it doesn't:

/bin/env sh
set -u
echo $x
echo hello

In sh scripting, however, it's extremely common to run commands in a subshell and collect their output. In the following example, even hello does print even though the shell is configured as before:

/bin/env sh
set -u
echo $(echo $x)
echo hello

Programming in a dynamic language is already adventurous enough. At least choose a sane dynamic language like Tcl. Beware the This is going to be a smallish script so I'll just write it in sh trap.

See Also

Playing Bourne shell