Version 0 of Bouncing Balls

Updated 2003-03-17 03:30:10

escargo 16 Mar 2003 - The following code appeared recently in the comp.lang.tcl news group. I made two changes; I added the wm withdraw . to get the console window to go away, and I changed a while { 1 }... to a while { [winfo ...] } so that no error gets thrown if you click on the close box for the top level window with the bouncing balls.

 ## Bouncing Balls
 ## Ed Suominen -- dedicated to the public domain
 package require Tk

 ## Procs
 proc rcolor { colorList } {
     return [lindex $colorList \
                 [expr { int(rand()*[llength $colorList]) }] ]

 wm withdraw .

 ## Configuration
 set width 600
 set height 500
 set radius 20
 set colorList {red blue yellow white orange green}

 destroy .canvas
 set w [toplevel .canvas]
 set m [label $w.m]
 set c [canvas $w.c -bg gray -width $width -height $height]
 pack $m $c -side top
 $m configure -text "Bouncing Balls"

 bind $c left { puts left }

 ## Item Setup
 catch {unset itemList}
 for { set itemCount 0 } { $itemCount < 10 } { incr itemCount } {
     set handle [$c create oval \
                     [expr {$width/2-$radius}] \
                     [expr {$height/2-$radius}] \
                     [expr {$width/2+$radius}] \
                     [expr {$height/2+$radius}] \
                     -fill [rcolor $colorList] \
                     -outline black]
     set DX($handle) [expr { (rand()-0.5)*10 }]
     set DY($handle) [expr { (rand()-0.5)*10 }]
     lappend itemList $handle

 while {[winfo exists $c]} {
     foreach oval $itemList {
         $c move $oval $DX($oval) $DY($oval)
         foreach i {xmin ymin xmax ymax} j [$c coords $oval] {
             set $i $j
         if { $xmax > $width || $xmin < 0 } {
             set DX($oval) [expr { -$DX($oval) }]
         if { $ymax > $height || $ymin < 0 } {
             set DY($oval) [expr { -$DY($oval) }]
     after 50 set flag 1; vwait flag