Version 2 of Boolean Checkbutton

Updated 2007-10-17 14:27:36 by LV

glennj Some time ago [L1 ], I because frustrated with Tk's default checkbutton. I wanted it to accept any boolean value [L2 ]. I ended up writing this package:

  package require Tk
  package provide booleanCheckbutton 0.1

  # create a checkbutton that selects when its variable is set to
  # a boolean true value
  # arguments:
  #   widget  - the widget "pathName"
  #   args    - list of checkbutton configuration options 
  # example:
  #   set cb [booleanCheckbutton .bcb -textvariable bcbVal \
  #               -text "checkbutton label" -relief flat]
  #   set bcbVal true
  # Any errors will be propagated up to the caller.

  proc booleanCheckbutton {pathName args} {
      # create the checkbutton with the specified options
      eval [linsert $args 0 checkbutton $pathName]
      set varName [$pathName cget -variable]

      # ensure the trace occurs in the global scope
      uplevel #0 "
          trace remove variable $varName write {selectIfTrue $pathName}
          trace add    variable $varName write {selectIfTrue $pathName}

      # create the trace command, if it doesn't exist
      if {[lsearch -exact [info procs] selectIfTrue] == -1} {
          proc selectIfTrue {widget varName arrayIndex op} {
              if {$op eq "write"} {
                  if {$arrayIndex eq ""} {
                      upvar $varName var
                  } else {
                      upvar ${varName}($arrayIndex) var
                  if {[string is boolean -strict $var] && $var} {
                      set var [$widget cget -onvalue]

      # trigger the trace for the current value of $varName, if it exists
      uplevel #0 "set $varName \[set $varName]"

      return $pathName

  if 0 {
      # test
      package require Tk
      package require booleanCheckbutton

      entry .e -textvar entry_value
      bind .e <Return> {set checkbutton_value $entry_value; set entry_value ""}

      booleanCheckbutton .c checkbutton_value -textvar checkbutton_value

      button .l -text "type a value, hit return, observe the checkbutton"
      pack .l .e .c

Category Widget