Version 20 of Binary representation of numbers

Updated 2004-06-25 09:14:59

Problem: how to convert numbers between their decimal and binary representation.

I.e., we are looking for a pair of procs {int2bits, bits2int} such that

  • int2bits 6 -> {1 1 0}
  • bits2int {1 1 0} -> 6

TS Caveat, negative integers are not always carefully handled (while {$i>0}...construct). As Lars H pointed out.

Richard Suchenwirth suggested in c.l.t.

 proc int2bits {i} {
     #returns a bitslist, e.g. int2bits 10 => {1 0 1 0} 
     set res ""
     while {$i>0} {
         set res [expr {$i%2}]$res
         set i [expr {$i/2}]
     if {$res==""} {set res 0}
     split $res ""
 proc bits2int {bits} {
     #returns integer equivalent of a bitlist
     set res 0
     foreach i $bits {
         set res [expr {$res*2+$i}]
     set res

Joseph Collard added optional field width:

 proc int2bits {i {digits {} } } { 
        #returns a bitslist, e.g. int2bits 10 => {1 0 1 0} 
        # digits determines the length of the returned list (left truncated or added left 0 ) 
        # use of digits allows concatenation of bits sub-fields 

        set res "" 
        while {$i>0} { 
                set res [expr {$i%2}]$res 
                set i [expr {$i/2}] 
        if {$res==""} {set res 0} 

        if {$digits != {} } { 
                append d [string repeat 0 $digits ] $res 
                set res [string range $d [string length $res ] end ] 
        split $res ""                           

MS: Another approach is using the binary command:

 proc int2bits {i} {
     #returns a bitslist, e.g. int2bits 10 => {1 0 1 0} 
     binary scan [binary format I1 $i] B* x
     split [string trimleft $x 0] {}
 proc bits2int {bits} {
     #returns integer equivalent of a bitlist
     set bits [format %032s [join $bits {}]]
     binary scan [binary format B* $bits] I1 x
     set x

Cameron Laird rightly noted the platform dependence of the "%032s" part. To correct that, do instead

 proc int2bits {i} {
     #returns a bitslist, e.g. int2bits 10 => {1 0 1 0} 
     binary scan [binary format I1 $i] B* x
     split [string trimleft $x 0] {}

 set tmp [llength [int2bits -1]]
 regsub @ {
     #returns integer equivalent of a bitlist
     set bits [format %0@s [join $bits {}]]
     binary scan [binary format B* $bits] I1 x
     set x
 } $tmp tmp
 proc bits2int {bits} $tmp

 unset tmp

Note: I'm leaving this for now, as an illustration. But it is *not* correct, the 32-bit dependence is still there, implicit in the "I" format specification. A correct approach needs to wait until there are 64 bit format specs for binary

'Nother variation: use format to convert to octal (or hexadecimal, for that matter), and "string map ..." to transform octal digits to bit patterns.

 proc int2bits x {
   string map {
   0 {0 0 0} 1 {0 0 1} 2 {0 1 0} 3 {0 1 1} 4 {1 0 0} 5 {1 0 1} 6 {1 1 0} 7 {1 1 1}
   } [split [format %o $x] ""]
 } ;#RS - note however that the bit sequence is multiples of 3 long:
 % int2bits 9
 0 0 1 0 0 1
 % int2bits 255
 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Lars H: A simple variation on that, without leading zeros and about 30% faster, since it avoids the split:

 proc int2bits x {
     string map {
       +0 0 +1 1 +2 {1 0} +3 {1 1} +4 {1 0 0} +5 {1 0 1} +6 {1 1 0} +7 {1 1 1}
       0 { 0 0 0} 1 { 0 0 1} 2 { 0 1 0} 3 { 0 1 1} 4 { 1 0 0} 5 { 1 0 1} 6 { 1 1 0} 7 { 1 1 1}
     } [format +%o $x]

Helmut Giese in c.l.t:

 proc val2Bin val {
     set binRep [binary format c $val]
     binary scan $binRep B* binStr
     return $binStr

 # some tests
 puts [val2Bin 10]
 puts [val2Bin 129]
 puts [val2Bin 0x7F]

Arjen Markus The following fragment converts a hexadecimal representation to a floating-point number:

   # Convert between float and hex  
   set hex "f3080000"
   set bin [binary format h8 $hex]
   binary scan $bin f float
   puts "$float"

On a big-endian machine the result is "1.0" (on a little-endian machine it is bizarre: 4.6006..e-041, but that is simply because the bytes are reversed.)

For extracting "unsigned" floating-point values from very long (>32 bits) integers in hex, MS has this recommendation on c.l.t.:

 proc conv {largeHex} {
     set res 0.0
     foreach hexDigit [split $largeHex {}] {
         set new 0x$hexDigit
         set res [expr {16.0*$res + $new}]
     return $res

Arjen Markus Suppose you have a sequence of bytes that are read from a file. Two of these, say at position 6 and 7 (counting from 0), make up an integer number. Then:

   set two_bytes [string range $str 6 7]
   binary scan "\0\0$two_bytes" I intvalue

will turn these two bytes into an integer (consisting of 4 bytes, hence the two leading nulls), if the original data are in big-endian order.

If they are in little-endian order, use:

   set two_bytes [string range $str 6 7]
   binary scan "${two_bytes}\0\0" i intvalue

(Note: trailing nulls and a different format)

Eric Amundsen - Here's a solution that seems to work fine for 64-bit 2's complement integer math.

    proc bin2int {binString} {
        set result 0
        for {set j 0} {$j < [string length $binString]} {incr j} {
            set bit [string range $binString $j $j]
            set result [expr $result << 1]
            set result [expr $result | $bit]
        return $result

    set binaryString 11001

    puts [bin2int $binaryString]

KBK contributed this version in the Tcl chatroom on 2002-11-18:

 proc fromBinary { digitString } {
    set r 0
    foreach d [split $digitString {}] {
        incr r $r
        incr r $d
    return $r

TV (24-4-'03) The above is along the lines which one could use in a reusable low level implementation. The complement in similar manner could be:

 set a 16; set r {}; 
 while {$a != 0} {set h [expr $a/2]; if {[expr $h+$h] != $a} {set r "1$r"} {set r "0$r"} ; set a $h }
 puts $r

The result should be split to get a list from the string, and the domain is limited by the ceiling for expr based addition and division.

Addition and division by two can be fast for low level implementation, and the method can probably easily be used with an infinite math package (I've seen one but didn't try it out yet).

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