[Richard Suchenwirth] 2004-09-02 - Discussion in the [Tcl chatroom] brought me to propose this challenge for a Tcl contest: * Given a set of moderate-sized black&white GIF images, * write a pair of encoder/decoder between photo image and a binary string * so that the decoding of the encoded image is equal to the original (lossless) * and the average length of the encoded strings is minimal I prefer GIF here because it is lossless in itself, and can be read in by plain Tk. Bitmap images cannot be processed pixel-by-pixel, so they're excluded, although they're binary. Test images (feel free to add more. The GIF file size is the initial target to beat): courier12.gif - 1923 bytes: [http://mini.net/files/courier12.gif] times12i.gif - 1947 bytes: [http://mini.net/files/times12i.gif] castle.gif - 11598 bytes [http://www.100dollarhamburger.com/castle.gif] ---- Links to solutions to this challenge: [PS] My you can find my attempt on [Binary image compression challenge - Pascal's Entry]. It compresses courier12.gif to 720 bytes and times12.gif to 834 bytes. Castle.gif is actually a compressed gif file! Mine 'compressed' to 13672... [PS] Update 4sept2004: Attempt number two (second code block on my entry page): now with Huffman(?) encoding for runlengths which occur 5 or more times. This actually compresses castle.gif! My new size is 11442 bytes, which is 156 bytes less than the original file! courier12 compresses to 671 bytes, times12i compresses to 718... ---- Little helpers to compare and tally photo images: proc photo'eq {im1 im2} { #-- returns 1 if both images are exactly equal, else 0 set h [image height $im1] if {[image height $im2] != $h} {return 0} set w [image width $im1] if {[image width $im2] != $w} {return 0} for {set y 0} {$y<$h} {incr y} { for {set x 0} {$x<$w} {incr x} { if {[$im1 get $x $y] ne [$im2 get $x $y]} {return 0} } } return 1 } proc photo'colors img { #-- return a list of {{r g b} n} tallies of pixel colors, #-- sorted decreasing by n (number of pixels of that color) set h [image height $img] set w [image width $img] for {set y 0} {$y<$h} {incr y} { for {set x 0} {$x<$w} {incr x} { set color [$img get $x $y] if {![info exists a($color)]} {set a($color) 0} incr a($color) } } foreach {color n} [array get a] {lappend tally [list $color $n]} lsort -decreasing -index 1 -integer $tally } ---- [JH]: Here is my solution, which doesn't compression at all (doesn't beat the GIF format, but is close, the 1923b becomes 2163b). It just represents the data in a small, raw form, but not compressed. It will hopefully provide someone with a starting point to apply compression. ''[MS]: castle.gif is 'compressed' to 15764b by this; gzip reduces that file to 10305b.'' proc binimg'encode img { set clrs [photo'colors $img] if {[llength $clrs] != 2} { return -code error "not a 2 color image" } set clr0 [lindex $clrs 0 0] set clr1 [lindex $clrs 1 0] set h [image height $img] set w [image width $img] set str "" for {set y 0} {$y<$h} {incr y} { for {set x 0} {$x<$w} {incr x} { set color [$img get $x $y] append str [string equal $color $clr1] } } foreach {r g b} $clr0 { set color0 [expr {$r<<16 | $g <<8 | $b}]; break } foreach {r g b} $clr1 { set color1 [expr {$r<<16 | $g <<8 | $b}]; break } # store image as where w and h are shorts set binstr [binary format ssiib* $w $h $color0 $color1 $str] return $binstr } proc binimg'decode data { binary scan $data ssiib* w h color0 color1 clrs set img [image create photo -width $w -height $h] set clr(0) \#[format %.6x $color0] set clr(1) \#[format %.6x $color1] set i 0 set data "" set line "" foreach c [split $clrs {}] { lappend line $clr($c) if {[incr i] eq $w} { set i 0 lappend data $line set line "" } } $img put $data -to 0 0 return $img } See [Binary image compression challenge - mig's Entry] for a slight variant of this, which ''should'' compress better in general. ---- [DKF]: The simplest cheat way is to use ''gzip'' to compress the GIF files themselves! Both images compress to somewhere in the region of 1600-1650 bytes. Can you do better? [MS]: Yes; gzip'ing Jeff's coded files reduces the thing to 640-654 bytes. ---- [kroc]: My attempt, based on RLE is here: [Binary image compression challenge - Kroc's Entry] and my results are: * 923 bytes for courier12.gif * 904 bytes for times12i.gif * 15421 bytes for castle.gif (this one is very hard to beat). ---- [KBK]: I'm putting another attempt over at [Binary image compression challenge - KBK's entry]. It outperforms [PS]'s entry on two of the three test cases, and does only slightly worse on the third: * 685 bytes for courier12.gif (vs. 671) * 682 bytes for times12i.gif (vs. 718) * 9260 bytes for castle.gif (vs. 11442) The way it works is that it marches through the image along the [Hilbert curve]. The advantage to the Hilbert curve as opposed to a raster pattern is that areas of a solid color are likely to result in runs that are much longer than a scan line, even though the other color is present in the same row and column. Once the data are ordered in Hilbert-curve sequence, they are converted to a set of run lengths; note that since runs of 0 and 1 will alternate, the run lengths are all that's needed; the colors are not stored explicitly. The run lengths are arbitrarily limited to 127; longer runs are broken into pieces with dummy 0-length runs in between. Finally, [Huffman coding] is used to make the run lengths into a string of bits. Decoding is the same process, only in reverse; the Huffman bit sequences are expanded into run lengths and then to a bit string, and the bit string is folded along the Hilbert curve to yield the image again. Compression is, of course, lossless. ---- [Arts and crafts of Tcl-Tk programming]