Author: [Chad Smith] This appeared in January, 2000. This book is a complete reference manual for itcl, as well as covering [OO] design issues, etc. Covers fundamentals, as well as advanced topics such as overloading, code reuse, multiple inheritance, abstract base classes, performance issues. Also covers itk and the 56 iwidgets. This is a tutorial approach rather than an encyclopedic approach to covering the material. ''Unfortunately, this book is now out-of-print. It can still be gotten from used book retailers, but at a premium cost. [Marty Backe]'' This sucks. They told me that it was in between printings when I went to Chapters last week. (Sept 29 2002) ''--[ro]'' Too bad that people didn't buy more copies, and thus keep it in print. I learned about the book going out-of-print when I talked with Chad a few weeks ago. He too was obviously disappointed with Osborne dropping the book. FWIW, it is available at if you happen to have a subscription. [Marty Backe] ''[escargo] 6 Jan 2003'' - I bought one of two available copies at the MicroCenter store in Saint Louis Park, Minnesota, today. So, it might be out of print, but there are still copies available in certain places. ---- [Category Book]