Version 2 of Automatically save widget values by traversing object tree

Updated 2004-02-20 20:44:24

''How can I traverse the object tree to assemble an array of object names and values of my widgets?"

abstract: Looking for a good way to allow users to save / restore values of text boxes, radio buttons, and combo boxes.

motivation: My application will have 'hundreds' of text boxes filled with binary data. Users will manually enter the data one bit at a time. They will want to enter the data 'one time' and then load it for use many times thereafter.

strategy: I am new to Tcl, so I do not know the 'best practice' for accomplishing this task. Here is my idea: Thanks to Ron Terry for his advice so far, and his 'wfind' procedure.

save 1) Create save event button, to select a save file name (DONE) 2) On save (save_all_to_file) event, iterate through the object parent-child heirarchy to capture object names, and values. Assemble these value pairs into an array. 3) Save array to file.

restore 1) Create load event button, enable file select (DONE) 2) On load (load_all_from_file) event, source the array in the file. 3) Iterate through array and set widget values throughout the application.

## Procedure: save_all_to_file proc ::save_all_to_file {} { global widget

set types {

                  {{Save Files}       {.save}        }
              set filename [tk_getSaveFile -filetypes $types]
              if {$filename != ""} {

                      array set myGlobals [list {cbSPC0} [Toplevel1 setvar cbSPC0]  {cbSPC1} [Toplevel1 setvar cbSPC1]  {cbSPC2} [Toplevel1 setvar cbSPC2]  ]
                    saveState $ myGlobals

} ## Procedure: saveState

proc ::saveState {stateFile stateArray} { global widget

        upvar $stateArray state 
         set output [open $stateFile "w"]
        puts $output "global $stateArray \n [list array set $stateArray [array get state]]"
        close $output


## Procedure: wfind: Use something like this to iterate the object tree. ## don't yet know how to leverage this to get object name / value pairs assembled into an ## array.

proc ::wfind {{win .}} {

         set out $win
         foreach w [lsort -dictionary [winfo children $win]] {
                  lappend out " [wfind $w]"
         } return $out


## Procedure: load_all_from_file

proc ::load_all_from_file {} {

        global widget
         set types {
                  {{Save Files}       {.save}        }
         set filename [tk_getOpenFile -filetypes $types]
         if {$filename != ""} {
                 source $filename 
         foreach id [array names myGlobals] {
              Toplevel1 setvar $id $myGlobals($id)              


Thank you for any advice you might be able to offer!

Kevin Ready [email protected] Toshiba America Electronic Components, STI Design Center Austin Texas ---