Version 4 of Asteroids

Updated 2005-02-17 14:12:28

Brian Embleton : Clone of the Atari classic. This is more of a toy than a game - the player gets infinite lives and there's no difficulty adjustment. I also added sound support using Snack with the original Asteroids sound effects [L1 ]. The result was was quite enjoyable. If you would like to use sounds, unzip the media folder and place it in the same folder as the source.

  • Asteroids are randomly shaped
  • The rocks come in 3 sizes, breaking down into smaller ones
  • Mouse aiming, firing and thrusters (left and right buttons)
  • Collision detection for the ship and each bullet
  • Sound support with Snack

 # Create an asteroid at X,Y
 proc asteroid {size X Y} {
         global rocks options

         set coords {}
         set points [expr $size*5.0]
         for {set i 0} {$i < $points} {incr i} {
                 set r [expr $size*(rand()*2 + 3)]
                 set rad [expr 2*3.14159 * $i/$points]
                 set x [expr $X + $r*cos($rad)]
                 set y [expr $Y + $r*sin($rad)]

                 lappend coords $x
                 lappend coords $y

         set id [.c create polygon $coords -fill gray[expr int(rand()*5)*5+40] -tags rock]
         set dx [expr (rand()*$options(rock_speed)+.3)*pow(-1,int(rand()*2)) ]
         set dy [expr (rand()*$options(rock_speed)+.3)*pow(-1,int(rand()*2)) ]

         set rocks($id) [list $id $size $X $Y $dx $dy]
         return $id

 # Create the ship object
 # Place it in the middle of the field.
 # I dont do any proximity calculations so there is a good
 # chance the ship will blow up right away.
 proc makeShip {} {
         global ship canvas_width canvas_height score
         global ship_dir

         incr score(ships)

         set x [expr $canvas_width/2]
         set y [expr $canvas_height/2]

         set dx 0
         set dy 0

         # ship_dir is in radians
         set ship_dir 0

         set id [.c create line $x $y [expr $x+1] $y -fill blue -width 1 -arrow last -arrowshape {12 14 5} -tags ship]
         set ship [list $id "" $x $y $dx $dy]

 # The ship crashed.  Remove the canvas object and reset the global variable
 proc resetShip {} {
         global ship

         set id [lindex $ship 0]
         .c delete $id
         set ship ""
         after 4000 makeShip

 proc drawShip {} {
         global ship ship_dir after_procs

         if {$ship == ""} { return }

         foreach {id size x y dx dy} $ship {}
         set x2 [expr $x+10*cos($ship_dir)]
         set y2 [expr $y+10*sin($ship_dir)]

         .c coords $id $x $y $x2 $y2

 # Adjust the ships angle to 0-2pi
 proc correctShipDir {} {
         global ship_dir

         set twopi [expr 2*3.14159]
         if {$ship_dir < 0} { set ship_dir [expr $twopi+$ship_dir] }
         if {$ship_dir > $twopi} { set ship_dir [expr $ship_dir-$twopi] }

 # increment the ships direction to the left or right
 proc rotateShip {dir} {
         global ship ship_dir options

         if {$ship == ""} { return }

         set ship_dir [expr $ship_dir + $dir*$options(ship_turn_speed)]

 # For Mouse Aiming
 # Immediately adjust the ships direction to point
 # directly at the cursor.  Perhaps I could add in stepper logic
 # to slowly rotate the ship around, as if the player was actually
 # using the keyboard controls, to make gameplay more like the original
 proc mouseOver {x y} {
         global ship ship_dir

         if {$ship == ""} { return }

         foreach {id size X Y dx dy} $ship {}
         set dx [expr $x.0-$X]; set dy [expr $y.0-$Y]
         if {$dx == 0} {
                 if {$dy > 0} { set rads [expr 1.5*3.14159] } else { set rads [expr 0.5*3.14159] }
         } else {
                 set rads [expr $dy/$dx]
         set ship_dir [expr atan($rads)]
         if {$dx < 0} {
                 set ship_dir [expr $ship_dir+3.14159]


 # Mouse control header.
 # use [after] to implement repeating thruster controls
 proc thrust_mouse {} {
         global mouse_timers options
         set mouse_timers(thrust) [after 100 "thrust_mouse"]

 # ... and to turn off the thrusters when button 3 is released
 proc cancel_thrust_mouse {} {
         global mouse_timers

         after cancel $mouse_timers(thrust)

 # Ship thruster adjustment
 # change the ships velocity based on the current direction and speed
 # Also, prevent the ship from going faster than the max speed
 proc shipThrust {} {
         global ship ship_dir options

         if {$ship == ""} { return }

         # add a small proportion of the ships dir to the movement vectors
         set dx [lindex $ship 4]
         set dy [lindex $ship 5]

         set dx [expr $dx + $options(ship_thrust) * cos($ship_dir)]
         set dy [expr $dy + $options(ship_thrust) * sin($ship_dir)]

         set mag [expr sqrt($dx*$dx + $dy*$dy)]
         if {$mag > $options(max_ship_velocity)} {
                 set dx [expr $options(max_ship_velocity)*cos($ship_dir)]
                 set dy [expr $options(max_ship_velocity)*sin($ship_dir)]

         lset ship 4 $dx
         lset ship 5 $dy

         if {!$options(playing_thrust)} {
                 playSound thrust
                 set options(playing_thrust) 1
                 after 500 {
                         global options
                         set options(playing_thrust) 0

 # Mouse control header for button 1 down
 proc fire_mouse {} {
         global mouse_timers options
         set mouse_timers(fire) [after 200 "fire_mouse"]

 # Mouse button 1 release
 proc cancel_fire_mouse {} {
         global mouse_timers

         after cancel $mouse_timers(fire)

 # Create a new bullet with the same direction as the ship
 # The maximum number of bullets is defined in the options,
 # as well as rate of fire and maximum range
 proc fire {} {
         global ship ship_dir bullets options score

         if {$ship == ""} { return }

         # only x bullets on the screen at a time
         if {[array size bullets] == $options(max_bullets)} { return }

         incr score(shots_fired)

         # create a new bullet at the front of the ship
         foreach {id size x y dx dy} $ship {}
         set X [expr $x+12*cos($ship_dir)]
         set Y [expr $y+12*sin($ship_dir)]
         set x1 [expr $X-1]; set x2 [expr $X+1]
         set y1 [expr $Y-1]; set y2 [expr $Y+1]

         set id [.c create oval $x1 $y1 $x2 $y2 -fill white -outline gray75 -tags bullet]
         set dx [expr $options(bullet_speed)*cos($ship_dir)]
         set dy [expr $options(bullet_speed)*sin($ship_dir)]

         set bullet [list $id "" $X $Y $dx $dy]
         set bullets($id) $bullet

         # destroy bullets after x seconds
         after [expr 1000*$options(bullet_range)/$options(bullet_speed)/$options(frame_rate)] "dropBullet $id"

         playSound fire

 # Destroy the bullet objects when they get to their maximum range
 proc dropBullet {id} {
         global bullets

         array unset bullets $id
         .c delete $id

 # For when the asteroids are shot or the ship crashes
 # there are 3 sizes of rocks: 1, 2 and 3
 # sizes 2 and 3 break into 3 or 4 rocks of sizes 1 and 2
 proc explode {id} {
         global rocks

         foreach {id size X Y dx dy} $rocks($id) {}

         .c delete $id
         array unset rocks $id

         # all rocks gone now?
         if {[array size rocks] == 0} { after 3000 newLevel }

         # if size is 2 or 3, make 3 or 4 smaller rocks
         if {$size > 1} {
                 set size [incr size -1]
                 set n [expr int(rand()*2+3)]
                 for {set i 0} {$i < $n} {incr i} {
                         set rad [expr 2*3.14159*$i/$n]
                         set x [expr $X + $size*2*cos($rad)]
                         set y [expr $Y + $size*2*sin($rad)]

                         asteroid $size $x $y

         playSound boom

 # Generic movement function
 # given an object {id size x y dx dy},
 # add the velocities to the locations, use the canvas move command,
 # and return the new item properties
 proc move {item} {
         global canvas_height canvas_width

         foreach {id size x y dx dy} $item {}
         set nx [expr $x+$dx]
         set ny [expr $y+$dy]
         if {$nx < 0} { set nx [expr $canvas_width+$nx] }
         if {$ny < 0} { set ny [expr $canvas_height+$ny] }
         if {$nx > $canvas_width} { set nx [expr $nx-$canvas_width] }
         if {$ny > $canvas_height} { set ny [expr $ny-$canvas_height] }

         lset item 2 $nx
         lset item 3 $ny

         set ddx [expr $nx-$x]
         set ddy [expr $ny-$y]
         .c move $id $ddx $ddy

         return $item

 # Detects rock collisions with the given canvas object
 # If there is a rock at the same location, return its id
 # otherwise, return null
 proc detectCollision {item} {
         foreach {id size x y dx dy} $item {}
         set ids [lsort -integer [.c find overlapping [expr $x-3] [expr $y-3] [expr $x+3] [expr $y+3]]]
         if {[llength $ids] > 1} {
                 set i [lsearch $ids $id]
                 set object [lindex [lreplace $ids $i $i] 0]
                 if {[.c gettags $object] == "rock"} { return $object }
         return ""

 proc updateScreen {} {
         global rocks ship bullets score

         # move each rock
         foreach id [array names rocks] {
                 set rock $rocks($id)
                 set rocks($id) [move $rock]

         if {$ship != ""} {
                 # move the ship
                 set ship [move $ship]
                 set id [lindex $ship 0]

                 # check for ship collisions
                 set rock_id [detectCollision $ship]
                 if {$rock_id != ""} {
                         explode $rock_id

         # move the bullets
         foreach id [array names bullets] {
                 set bullet $bullets($id)
                 set bullets($id) [move $bullet]

                 # check for collisions
                 set rock_id [detectCollision $bullet]
                 if {$rock_id != ""} {
                         dropBullet $id
                         switch [lindex $rocks($rock_id) 1] {
                                 1 {incr score(small_rocks)}
                                 2 {incr score(med_rocks)}
                                 3 {incr score(big_rocks)}
                         explode $rock_id

 proc newLevel {} {
         global canvas_height canvas_width score

         incr score(stage)

         # create random field
         for {set i 0} {$i < 30} {incr i} {
                 asteroid [expr int(rand()*3)+1] [expr rand()*$canvas_width] [expr rand()*$canvas_height]

 # not actually used, but useful for debugging
 proc clear {} {
         global rocks
         foreach id [array names rocks] {
                 array unset rocks $id
                 .c delete $id

 proc updateHitScore {} {
         global score

         foreach {var val} [array get score] { set $var $val }

         set score(total_rocks) [expr $small_rocks+$med_rocks+$big_rocks]
         set score(rocks) "$score(total_rocks) ($small_rocks/$med_rocks/$big_rocks)"
         set score(accuracy) [format %.1f%% [expr 100.0*$score(total_rocks)/$shots_fired]]

 proc resetScore {} {
         global score

         array set score {
                 ships 0
                 stage 0
                 shots_fired 0
                 accuracy 0
                 small_rocks 0
                 med_rocks 0
                 big_rocks 0
                 total_rocks 0
                 rocks "0 (0/0/0)"
                 rating "ensign"

 proc loadSounds {} {
         # define the sound objects
         snack::sound sound_music 
         snack::sound sound_thrust
         snack::sound sound_fire
         snack::sound sound_boom

         # if the files dont exist, it wont affect playing the sounds
         catch {
                 sound_music configure -load "media/duduhn.wav"
                 sound_thrust configure -load "media/fhhh.wav"
                 sound_fire configure -load "media/bullet.wav"
                 sound_boom configure -load "media/boom.wav"

 proc playMusic {} {
         global options

         if {$options(play_music)} {
                 sound_music play -command "after 100 playMusic"
         } else {
                 after 500 playMusic

 proc playSound {snd} {
         sound_$snd play

 proc doLoop {} {
         global options rocks

         after [expr 1000/$options(frame_rate)] doLoop

 package require snack

 set canvas_height 480
 set canvas_width 640

 array set options {
         frame_rate 30
         rock_speed 1.8
         ship_turn_speed 0.2
         ship_thrust 0.3
         max_ship_velocity 2
         max_bullets 10
         bullet_speed 4
         bullet_range 400
         play_music 1
         playing_thrust 0

 frame .f
         label .f.l1 -bg black -fg green -text "New Ships: "
         label .f.l2 -bg black -fg green -width 5 -anchor w -textvariable score(ships)
         label .f.l3 -bg black -fg green -text "Level: "
         label .f.l4 -bg black -fg green -width 5 -anchor w -textvariable score(stage)
         label .f.l5 -bg black -fg green -text "Shots Fired: : "
         label .f.l6 -bg black -fg green -width 6 -anchor w -textvariable score(shots_fired)
         label .f.l7 -bg black -fg green -text "Hits: "
         label .f.l8 -bg black -fg green -width 15 -anchor w -textvariable score(rocks)
         label .f.l9 -bg black -fg green -text "Accuracy: "
         label .f.l10 -bg black -fg green -width 6 -anchor w -textvariable score(accuracy)

         for {set i 1} {$i <= 10} {incr i} {
                 pack .f.l$i -side left

 canvas .c -width $canvas_width -height $canvas_height -bg black -cursor tcross
 bind . <Key-Up> {shipThrust}
 bind . <Key-Left> {rotateShip -1}
 bind . <Key-Right> {rotateShip 1}
 bind . <Key-space> {fire}
 bind .c <Motion> "mouseOver %x %y"
 bind .c <Button-1> {fire_mouse}
 bind .c <ButtonRelease-1> {cancel_fire_mouse}
 bind .c <Button-3> {thrust_mouse}
 bind .c <ButtonRelease-3> {cancel_thrust_mouse}

 checkbutton .music -text "Music On" -variable options(play_music) 
 label .help -justify left -text "Aim:\tMouse or Left/Right\nFire:\tButton 1 or Spacebar\nThrust:\tButton 2 or Up"

 pack .f .c .music .help -side top



It looks great! Is there away to tweak the moving right or left so it's more responsive? The arrow key are a little sluggish by default.

Nice, but I bet you'd get noticibly better performce if you braced your expressions. It's a good habit to get into.

Category Games