***Disclaimer:*** This is not a book, though the title sounds like one (or rather a whole shelf full of good books ;-). No, it's just another page at [the Tcler's Wiki]. The ideas and contributions collected here needed some more indexing, and that's what this page tries to do. See also [Where can I find a book about Tcl] - [Tcl articles]. ***Copyright:*** No rights reserved. Do what you want to do (but consider netiquette and general morals). Especially, add what you feel is missing! This page started by [Richard Suchenwirth], but hopefully improved by many of you... ---- **Table of Contents** (see also [Recent changes] - [New pages] - [Search] - [Tcl Chatroom]) **Starting out** [What is Tcl] - [Beginning Tcl] - [Is Tcl different!] - [Tcl advocacy] - [The Tcl Way] - [The Tao of Tcl] - [Tcl heritage] * Get Tcl and Tk (source and a few binary distributions) from http://www.tcl.tk/software/tcltk/downloadnow84.html, or have a look at [Binary Distributions], [Batteries Included], and the [places to find Tcl binaries and sources]. * [In the beginning - first stop for someone new to Tcl and Tk] * [Is there anything I should know before I start coding]? * [Common questions about Tcl] * [Are there tools which are required or would be useful when developing in Tcl] * [A parser's monolog] - [How to change a running system] * [Bag of algorithms] - lots of little procs for you to cut'n'paste * [Arrays / hash maps] * [Tcl syntax help] * [Example scripts everybody should have] - [Tcl examples] * [Math function help] - [Additional math functions] * [Sample math programs] - [Arbitrary precision math procedures] - [Converting numbers from arbitrary bases] * [expr problems with int] - [Importing expr functions] - [A real problem] * [Comments in expressions] - Some suggestions, on how to do it. * [Regular expressions] - [Syntax parsing in Tcl] - [string map] - [String processing] * [owh - a fileless tclsh] - pass one-liners from the shell * [Tcl performance] - [Can you run this benchmark 10 times faster] * [Help! My Tcl application just crashed!] * [Slurping Up Text in TCL] * [The infinity trick] ***Links*** * Places to go: http://www.tcl.tk/ - http://www.tcltk.com/ - http://sourceforge.net/foundry/tcl-foundry/ - http://tcl.sourceforge.net/ - http://sourceforge.net/projects/tktoolkit * The community: [Tcl'ers] - [Tcl Core Team] - [The comp.lang.tcl newsgroup] - news:comp.lang.tcl.announce * Weekly news: [Tcl-URL!] in the newsgroups, or archived at http://www.ddj.com/topics/tclurl/ * All manuals at a click: http://www.tcl.tk/man * One non-wiki page covering frequently made mistakes in Tcl can be found at http://phaseit.net/claird/comp.lang.tcl/fmm.html **[Beginning Tk]** * [Tk syntax help] - [Widgets in the initial Tk package]: many screenshots - [Tk examples] * [Common questions about Tk] * [Bag of Tk algorithms] - lots of little procs, help yourself * [Text widget example] - [Text widget syntax highlighting] - [A change-sensitive text widget] - [A little hypertext system] * [menu] - [Menus made easy] - [An entry with a history] * [Tk image Dos and Don'ts] * [A simple voltmeter] - [Dial widget] - [A little spellchecker] - [A little function plotter] - [An analog clock in Tk] * [A file properties dialog] - [A minimal console] * [A little file searcher] * [Scroll bars that appear only when needed] - [Paning widgets] * [Interrupting loops] - how to build a stop button * [Tk performance] * [Apple Macintosh and Tcl/Tk] - [Microsoft Windows and Tcl] / [Microsoft Windows and Tk] - [Windows/CE] - [Pocket PC] * [Tk glossary] **[Intermediate Tcl] and Tk** * People new to Tcl often want to know how to embed Tcl into their C applications, or how to call C functions from their Tcl scripts. One place to find this information is http://phaseit.net/claird/comp.lang.tcl/HowToC.html . But of course this Wiki has pages on [Writing extensions]! * [Overloading widgets] * [A simple database] * [Complex data structures] * [New control structures] * [Fun with functions]: a function plotter plaything * [Writing Tcl scripts for eggdrop] **[Advanced Tcl] and Tk** * [Operating System specific Tcl commands] * [Introspection] * [telnet] - [dde] * [Radical language modification] - ever wanted to write i = 1? * [Overloading a widget command] - [Grab tips] * Fancy things with procs: [Guarded proc] - [Local procedures] - [Playing C] * [Tcl Gems] - [Braintwisters] * [Salt and sugar]: how to make Tcl code look nicer - [Predicates: on being and having] * [Dangers of creative writing] * Browse Tcl sources (CVS repository): http://cvs.sourceforge.net/cgi-bin/cvsweb.cgi/tcl/?cvsroot=tcl * [Tcl 9.0 WishList] - [Tcl style discussion] * [Remote Script Execution] * [Curbside Collection for Object Systems] * [Dynamic Libraries in Tcl] **Foreign affairs** what Tcl/Tk offer for [i18n - Writing for the world] * [Unicode and UTF-8] - [UTF-8 bit by bit] - [i18n tester] * [A little Unicode editor] - [A little Korean editor] - [Unicode file reader] * [The Lish family] - converters from 7-bit ASCII to Arab/Cyrillic/Greek/Hebrew/Japanese/Korean.. Unicodes * [Bag of number/time spellers] - on the interface between people and numbers * [Chinese numbers] - [Hebrew numbers] - [Roman numbers] * [Natural languages] - [Things British] - [Things Japanese] * [taiku goes multilingual] * [Endekalogue] has links to almost a dozen translations of man Tcl into different languages **[Tcl and other languages] and concepts** * [Object orientation]: [Gadgets] - [LOST] - [On things] - [Doing things] - [Doing things in namespaces] - [Chaining things] * [TCL Basics][http://bodhost.com/web-hosting/index.php/2006/12/25/tool-command-language/] * Goto Retro: [BASIC in Tcl] - [Retrocomputing] - [Playing Assembler] (8080!) * Forth/Postscript style: [RPN in Tcl] - reverse Polish notation * [Steps towards functional programming] - [Lambda in Tcl] - [Tail call optimization] - [linked lists] * [Playing Prolog] - [Playing Python] - [Playing C] - [Playing APL] - [Playing Smalltalk] - [Tcl and LISP] - [Playing Haskell] * [Turtle graphics the LOGO way] * [Critcl] - [C code generators] * [Syntax parsing in Tcl] - [Simple tree layout] * [Perl], [Unix shells] * [Graph theory in Tcl] - [Searching A Star in Space] * [TclJava] * [Eiffel-like Invariants] - Design by Contract stuff. * AVC [http://avc.inrim.it/] - A multiplatform, fully automatic, live connection among graphical interface widgets and application variables for the python language. **Fun stuff** * [99 bottles of beer] - [Tcl/Tk games] - [Obfuscation] - [Quines] - [Turtleshell] - [ANSI color control] * [Notes on a canvas] - [Model railroading with Tcl] - [Postcard from Switzerland] - [Horseracing in Tcl] **Tcl in use in the work place** * [Tcl Tools for the Office] [Tcl Questions and Answers] ---- !!!!!! %| [Category Category] | [Category Tutorial] |% !!!!!!