After some experiments with AI and Tcl, I have come to the conclusion that there is enormous potential for Tcl in AI. This page is for people who have written AI extensions or routines in Tcl to add their code and links to pages. I intend to add a few code examples of my own here in the next few days - '''tallniel''' (= [Neil Madden]). The Artificial Intellence FAQ on the internet mentions Mobal and Hdrug, both of which are mentioned in [] [Tcl-FAQ]. - Hmm, I found both of these in the tcl-FAQ, but the links there don't appear to work. '''tallniel''' - Thought I'd drop in this link to a few tcl scripts demonstrating neural networks: [] ---- Cris A. Fugate ( reports in [the comp.lang.tcl newsgroup] that he offers an implementation of frames (created by Marvin Minsky at MIT) for Tcl. You can get it at ---- New pages: [State Space Searching in Tcl] ---- [KBK]: Ah, yes, and what is AI? Is it combinatorial searching ([Playing Prolog]), as in [Solving cryptarithms] or [Searching A Star in space]? Do [genetic algorithms] count, or applying simulated annealing to [Solving cryptograms]? Does it help that we know a fair amount about [Playing LISP] or [Scheme]?