Version 351 of Applications in Tcl and Tcl/Tk

Updated 2011-02-09 15:53:21 by Didier

How to find an application written in Tcl-Tk

To find a Tcl-TK application (a finished program written in Tcl-Tk), click on the top of the page Category Application (that is click on the title itself). When you'll do that, all pages that include the tag Category Application at their bottom will show up. This is the Tom Thumb system; each page has one or many rocks to trace them and when we click on the category title the rocks will all show up as if by magic and we'll know where we left them.

Some day however the system will be complete

Some day however the system will be complete and you'll be able to have a list of all applications written in Tcl-Tk classified according to their type.

This is how you'll proceed to access the type of software you want:

You will:

1) Go to the Category Category page and click on its title. You'll then have a list of all the categories present on this wiki and also a list of all categories of applications written in Tcl-Tk (these all start with the words: Category Application written in Tcl-Tk and afterwards they indicate their type of software. Ex: Category Application written in Tcl-Tk, Spreadsheet

2) Choose the category you want by clicking on the link. Ex: You'll click on Category Application written in Tcl-Tk, Spreadsheet if you're interested in spreadsheets.

3) Click on the title of the category page you have selected. Ex: Click on the title: Category Application written in Tcl-Tk, Spreadsheet et voilà! you'll be rewarded for your efforts by having a list of all spreadsheets written in Tcl-Tk and at that point you could pick your choice.

This process is a bit complex but this is how wikis work: one idea per page, one item per page (pages are not interelatedn not connected for anyone can make its own connections) and one or many category tag(s) at the bottom of the page. Wikis typically don't have outlines nor a hierarchy. Think of a wiki page as an index card that can be put in any stack of cards.

We might wonder about the definition of an application, but it's probably reasonable to think of an application as a program that does something that people want done.

There is an enormous number of applications written in or making use of Tcl/Tk, and most of them are somewhere on the Tcler's Wiki. If you want something in particular, you could search for a suitable keyword, such as spreadsheet, or perhaps you could use the Category system, for which the starting point is Category Category.

For more on finding things in this wiki, have a look at searching and bookmarking URLs on the Tcl'ers Wiki.

Other places to look for Tcl/Tk applications

  • SourceForge supported Open Source software repository.
  • On SourceForge is a tclapps CVS module in the tcllib sourceforge repository. This module includes tkchat and will hopefully contain other small applications not big enough to warrent their own sf project. Another example of an application in that module is dtp.
  • See Extensions for Tcl and Tk for a catalog of extensions.
  • Freshmeat software directory.
  • Tcl Developer's Xchange [L1 ] Software listings (this site currently has no comprehensive list of 3rd-party software - perhaps once a volunteer webmastering team steps forward that will return)
  • The comp.lang.tcl Launch Page at [L2 ] (which doesn't get updated frequently these days).
  • See Applications in Tcl and Tcl/Tk -- Old for some applications that have dead links, or have not seen development since Tcl 7.6.

Places that don't seem to be accessible any more

  • ProcPlace provided Tcl Contributed Sources Archive at [L3 ]. This is an archive - the files are quite old - few if any updates are occurring here. However, it is the only location for some of this code.
  • J.M. Ivler's Tcl package registration site at [L4 ]. (escargo 14 Jul 2005 - It's still his domain, but there's no web server there any more.)

Improvement of the current system

Didier (2011-10-02)

We'll refine the system eventually so that this category gets more refined as we go along.

In order to be more precise, the parent category could be called: Category Application written in Tcl-Tk) instead of simply [Category Application. In general, category names have to be precise and naming a category with one word is just a bad idea. A vague category has absolutely no use.

To refine the Category Application written in Tcl-Tk, we could have various sub-categories called for example:

* Category Spreadsheet written in Tcl-Tk

* Category Editor written in Tcl-Tk

* Category Game written in Tcl-Tk

And so on.

This involves a complex notion of sub-categorizing which is not something easily done. Perhaps some category specialist could help: AMG for example. I'm at a loss on this one.

But not necessarily for I now understand the logic of it.

I believe the parent category Category Application written in Tcl-Tk should have the Category category tag included at the bottom of the page like any category but its children categories (ex: Category Editor written in Tcl-TK should have the tag Category Application written in Tcl-Tk in the bottom.

This is how a category becomes a parent category: it only appears in category pages.

Afterwards, pages describing editors written in Tcl-Tk should only have the Category Editor written in Tcl-Tk tag.

This is I believe how a subcategory system works.

In other words, when you'll click on top of Category Category you'll find a list of all parent categories and Category Applications written in Tcl-Tk will be one of them. It is also a parent category.

Afterwards when you'll click on the title Category Application written in Tcl-Tk you'll find the list of child categories: ex: Category Editor written in Tcl-Tk Category Spreadsheet written in Tcl-Tk etc.

In other words, in order for a category to be a parent, it should only appear in the bottom of the children categories and 'Never on the page itself.

Example: Category Application written in Tcl-Tk will appear at the bottom of Category Editors written in Tcl-Tk but not in the page called Godzilla Tcl-Tk Editor. What simply will appear at the bottom of the Godzilla Tcl-Tk Editor page is the tag: Category Editor written in Tcl-Tk.

I might be mistaken however because I'm not too familiar with the subcategory system but logically this is the way the whole system should work.

However this system is way too complex and when we say complexity we delete the word intuitiveness.

At the end of the day, by wanting to be too fussy, too rigorous, we put up a complex system no one understands and therefore no one implements and we lost the initial purpose.

Bottomline is: If a system is not simple, it has no value. The more complex it is, the worse it is. By definition a system should seek simplicity.

Therefore I believe the best is not to start this subcategorizing system and to simply continue putting ONE category tag at the bottom of an application: it can be Category Editor written in Tcl-Tk for example. That's it and that's all. We'd leave the complexity and the perfection for another day. Life is too short!

So we'll have all sorts of categories.

BUT if we want to have the applications categories listed and regrouped in alphabetical order when we click on Category Category, all we'll have to do is use the following syntax: Category Application written in Tcl-Tk, Spreadsheet Category Application written in Tcl-Tk, Editor, Category Application written in Tck-Tk, Game and so on. This way they will all appear together in Category Category and they will appear in alphabetical order.

I believe this is not a perfect system but it's a pretty workable one.

Category Application