[Arjen Markus] (30 june 2006) [Fuzzy logic], whatever you may think of it, is a useful modelling technique for certain kinds of practical problems. I want to keep things practical indeed, as much of the literature on the subject may divert into almost esoteric discourses on the meaning of fuzzy inference and the like. I consider myself a fairly practical programmer, so I have chosen a very straightforward implementation. It is not finished yet - I want to add a decent example to this script, but it is a nice beginning in my opinion. ---- ====== # fuzzylogic.tcl -- # Experiment with fuzzy logic # # Note: # I wanted something fast and easy to write, so my design # decisions have been guided by that. In particular: # - no hedges # - simply min-max rules # - simple trapezoid membership functions # namespace eval ::FuzzyLogic { variable vars variable types namespace export fuzzyvar fuzzytype } # fuzzyvar -- # Register a fuzzy variable # Arguments: # name Name of the variable # type Type to be used for (de)fuzzification # Result: # None # Side effects: # The variable is actually a _global_ variable, to keep the code # simple # proc ::FuzzyLogic::fuzzyvar {name type} { variable vars set vars($name) $type global $name } # fuzzytype -- # Register a fuzzy type # Arguments: # type Name of the type # classes List of class names and bounds # Result: # None # Side effects: # The type is stored in a convenient way # proc ::FuzzyLogic::fuzzytype {type classes} { variable types set types($type) {} set length [expr {[llength $classes]/3}] set worklist {} for {set i 0} {$i < $length} {incr i} { puts $worklist set class [lindex $classes [expr {$i*3}]] set typical {} if { $i == 0 } { set min1 [lindex $classes 1] if { $min1 == {} } { set typical [lindex $classes 2] } } else { set min1 [lindex $classes [expr {$i*3-1}]] } set min2 [lindex $classes [expr {$i*3+1}]] set max2 [lindex $classes [expr {$i*3+2}]] if { $i == $length-1 } { set max1 [lindex $classes [expr {$i*3+2}]] if { $max1 == {} } { set typical $min2 } } else { set max1 [lindex $classes [expr {$i*3+4}]] } if { $typical == {} } { set typical [expr {($min2+$max2)/2.0}] } lappend worklist $class $min1 $min2 $typical $max2 $max1 } set types($type) $worklist } # Type definition: # c1 Min1 Max1 # c2 Min2 Max2 # c3 Min3 Max3 # c4 Min4 Max4 # # Schematically: # min1 min2 max2 max1 # Min1 Min1 Typ1 Max1 Min2 # Max1 Min2 Typ2 Max2 Min3 # Max2 Min3 Typ3 Max3 Min4 # Max3 Min4 Typ4 Max4 Max4 # # fuzzyrule -- # Register a fuzzy rule or set of rules # Arguments: # rule Name of the rule # body List of IF/AND/OR/THEN clauses # Result: # None # Side effects: # The rule is stored for later use # proc ::FuzzyLogic::fuzzyrule {rule body} { variable rules set rules($rule) [split $body "\n"] } # applyrule -- # Apply a particular rule or set of rules # Arguments: # rule Name of the rule # Result: # None # Side effects: # The various fuzzy variables are defuzzified and set # to the new values # Note: # The evaluation is simplistic - no parentheses and AND/OR # treated sequentially - so do not mix them! # proc ::FuzzyLogic::applyrule {rule} { variable rules set possibility {} set assigns {} foreach line $rules($rule) { switch -- [lindex $line 0] { "IF" { set possibility [EvalCondition [lrange $line 1 end]] } "AND" { set newpos [EvalCondition [lrange $line 1 end]] if { $newpos < $possibility } { set possibility $newpos } } "OR" { set newpos [EvalCondition [lrange $line 1 end]] if { $newpos > $possibility } { set possibility $newpos } } "THEN" { set assigns [concat $assigns $possibility [EvalAssign [lrange $line 1 end]]] } "" - "#" { # Do nothing } default { return -code error "Unknown keyword - $line" } } } Defuzzify $assigns } # Membership -- # Determine the membership # Arguments: # name Name of the variable # class Class for which the membership must be determined # Result: # Membership # proc ::FuzzyLogic::Membership {name class} { variable vars variable types set type $vars($name) set value [set ::$name] set cidx [lsearch $types($type) $class] foreach {min1 min2 typical max2 max1} \ [lrange $types($type) [expr {$cidx+1}] [expr {$cidx+5}]] {break} if { $min1 == {} } { if { $value < $max2 } { return 1.0 } } else { if { $value < $min1 } { return 0.0 } } if { $max1 == {} } { if { $value > $min2 } { return 1.0 } } else { if { $value > $max1 } { return 0.0 } } if { $value >= $min2 && $value <= $max2 } { return 1.0 } if { $value >= $min1 && $value <= $min2 } { return [expr {($min1-$value)/($min1-$min2)}] } if { $value >= $max2 && $value <= $max1 } { return [expr {($max1-$value)/($max1-$max2)}] } } # EvalCondition -- # Evaluate the possibility of a condition # Arguments: # line Line of text containing the condition # Result: # Membership/possibility # Note: # Simply assumes the format "variable is class" # proc ::FuzzyLogic::EvalCondition {line} { set var [lindex $line 0] set class [lindex $line 2] return [Membership $var $class] } # EvalAssign -- # Analyse an assignment and arrange its later effectuation # Arguments: # line Line of text containing the condition # Result: # List with variable name and typical value # Note: # Simply assumes the format "variable is class" # proc ::FuzzyLogic::EvalAssign {line} { variable vars variable types set var [lindex $line 0] set class [lindex $line 2] set cidx [lsearch $types($vars($var)) $class] set typical [lindex $types($vars($var)) [expr {$cidx+3}]] return [list $var $typical] } # Defuzzify -- # Defuzzify the variables # Arguments: # assigns List of possible assignments # Result: # None # Side effects: # Variables are set # proc ::FuzzyLogic::Defuzzify {assigns} { puts "$assigns ...." foreach {possibility var value} $assigns { if { ! [info exists sum($var)] } { set sum($var) 0.0 set weight($var) 0.0 } set sum($var) [expr {$sum($var) + $possibility * $value}] set weight($var) [expr {$weight($var) + $possibility }] } foreach var [array names sum] { global $var if { $weight($var) != 0.0 } { set $var [expr {$sum($var)/$weight($var)}] } else { return -code error "Weight for variable '$var' is zero! Check the rules" } } } # main -- # # Test code if { 0 } { ::FuzzyLogic::fuzzytype temperature { Cold {} 0.0 Medium 10.0 20.0 Hot 25.0 35.0 VeryHot 40.0 {} } puts $::FuzzyLogic::types(temperature) ::FuzzyLogic::fuzzyvar T temperature foreach T {-1.0 0.0 1.0 5.0 9.0} \ E { 1.0 1.0 0.9 0.5 0.1} { puts "[::FuzzyLogic::Membership T Cold] - $E - $T" } foreach T {-1.0 2.0 5.0 10.0 20.0 24.0 30.0} \ E { 0.0 0.2 0.5 1.0 1.0 0.2 0.0} { puts "[::FuzzyLogic::Membership T Medium] - $E - $T" } foreach T { 5.0 10.0 20.0 36.0 40.0 60.0} \ E { 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.2 1.0 1.0} { puts "[::FuzzyLogic::Membership T VeryHot] - $E - $T" } ::FuzzyLogic::fuzzyvar temp temperature ::FuzzyLogic::fuzzyvar heating heating ::FuzzyLogic::fuzzytype heating { None 0 0 Low 100 500 High 1000 {} } set temp 4.0 ::FuzzyLogic::fuzzyrule heating { IF temp is Cold THEN heating is High IF temp is Medium THEN heating is Low IF temp is Hot OR temp is VeryHot THEN heating is None } ::FuzzyLogic::applyrule heating puts "Heating: $heating" } # A small application: a thermostat # The idea is simple: # - The room should be at a reasonable temperature during the # day, but can be anything at night. # - The heater needs to take care of this in a smooth way, # as little fluctuations as possible. # - Compare the fuzzy approach with a more classical one # # Still to be done! ====== <> Testing