Version 2 of Anton Kovalenko

Updated 2002-05-29 23:34:22

As russian user of tk toolkit, I feel much concern about i18n issues of tk. In my homepage [L1 ] there's a couple of my patches, that make tk more i18n-aware ((e.g. in $canvas postscript output)). I'm going to keep my page up-to-date, so any non-ascii-non-latin1 user can always find there nessesary fixes, both for cvs head and for last stable version.

Current i18n status/problems I know about:

* $canvas postscript is not unicode-aware. Patches: for 8.4 cvs head -- take patch #546910 [L2 ] here. for 8.3 stable versions, you can get it at [L3 ]

* Tk_DrawChars on Unix is broken in 8.4 cvs head. Patch #559437 addresses this problem.