As russian user of tk toolkit, I feel much concern about i18n issues of tk. In my homepage [] there's a couple of my patches, that make tk more i18n-aware (e.g. in $canvas postscript output). I'm going to keep my page up-to-date, so any non-ascii-non-latin1 user can always find there nessesary fixes, both for cvs head and for last stable version. ---- Current i18n status/problems I know about: * $canvas postscript is not unicode-aware. Patches: for 8.4 cvs head -- take patch #546910 [] here. For 8.3 stable versions, you can get it at [] * Standard tk file dialog binds, for example, Alt-C to Cancel, Alt-O to Open... But button labels may be translated! Now i work on the solution which will automatically select best char in label to be underlined, and processes events for particular dialog or message box (a propos, message boxes cannot bind non-ascii accelerator keys at all, but they '''try''', alas!). [msgcat and shortcut keys] ---- [Category Home Page]