Version 7 of Another simple database

Updated 2004-03-23 08:16:15

if 0 {Richard Suchenwirth 2004-03-22 - In A simple database, I showed how databases may be implemented with Tcl arrays. This take here is closer to traditional relational databases, with tables of pre-defined columns (modeled here as a list of lists, the first being the column heading, the rest the "records"), and mimicks the SQL SELECT statement a bit. Tables are "pure values", and the result of select is a valid table again:}

 proc select {fields "from" tbl "where" condition} {
    set infields [lindex $tbl 0]
    if {$fields eq "*"} {set fields $infields}
    set res [list $fields]
    foreach inrow [lrange $tbl 1 end] {
        foreach $infields $inrow break
        if $condition {
            set row {}
            foreach field $fields {lappend row [set $field]}
            lappend res $row
    set res

#-- Test data, assuming a little inventory control system:

 set table {
    {number description pieces}
    {1234   Foo         100}
    {2345   Bar         50}
    {3456   Grill       2}

if 0 {#-- Testing:

 % select * from $table where {$pieces < 100}
 {number description pieces} {2345 Bar 50} {3456 Grill 2}

 % select {pieces description} from $table where {$number != 1234}
 {pieces description} {50 Bar} {2 Grill}

Cute, ain't it? There is a danger though, if you happen to name a "database" column condition, row, fields, res or so... because the column names are used as variables, and would overwrite the working variables, possibly causing syntax errors.

Adding a "record" to this database is trivial:

 lappend table {1234 "another Item" 1}

Editing a value in place goes well with lset, where you for now need to specify the record number, but can address a column by its name: }

 proc col {table field} {lsearch [lindex $table 0] $field}

if 0 {

 lset table 4 [col $table description] "Item, another"

Another frequent operation is sorting a table on a column, with options like -increasing or -integer. We only have to make sure that the header list stays always in front:}

 proc sort {table field args} {
    set res [list [lindex $table 0]]
    eval lappend res [eval lsort -index [col $table $field] $args \
       [list [lrange $table 1 end]]]

if 0 {

 % sort $table pieces -integer
 {number description pieces} {3456   Grill       2} {2345   Bar         50} {1234   Foo         100}

 % sort $table description  -decreasing
 {number description pieces} {3456   Grill       2} {1234   Foo         100} {2345   Bar         50}

And as fashionable these days, here's a simple sketch how to export a table as XML (with entity escaping of cell):}

 proc toXML {table {type table}} {
    set fields [lindex $table 0]
    set res <$type>\n
    foreach row [lrange $table 1 end] {
        append res <row>
        foreach field $fields cell $row {
            set cell [string map {< "&lt;" & "&amp;" > "&gt;"} $cell]
            append res <$field>$cell</$field>
        append res </row>\n
    append res </$type>

Arts and crafts of Tcl-Tk programming }