What: AniGif Where: http://cardtable.go.to/tcltk/ Description: Tk extension allowing you to create, start, stop, restart and destroy animated GIFs. Supports single play images as well as images without full image data on each frame. Use gifsicle to uncompress compressed/interlaced GIFs before subsequent processing. Currently at version 1.3 . Updated: 03/2002 Contact: mailto:scfiead_spammenot@hotmail.com ---- [RS] 2004-07-27: Also, using the widespread [Img] extension, you have access to the partial images of an animated [GIF]. This code was enough for me: package require Img proc anigif file { #-- returns a list of images from the given GIF file set index 0 set results {} while 1 { if [catch { image create photo -file $file -format "gif -index $index" } res] { return $results } lappend results $res incr index } } #-- Testing (dumping the animation phases, one next to the other, into a text widget): [http://mini.net/files/anigif.jpg] Test image: [http://mini.net/files/underconstruction.gif] #-- Testing (dumping the animation phases into a text widget, and an animation): proc lcycle listName { upvar 1 $listName list set res [lindex $list 0] set list [concat [lrange $list 1 end] [list $res]] set res } proc every {ms body} {eval $body; after $ms [info level 0]} set file [lindex $argv 0] pack [text .t] set images [anigif $file] foreach img $images { .t image create end -image $img } .t insert end animated: set id [.t image create end -image [lindex $images 0]] every 50 ".t image config $id -image \[lcycle ::images\]" ---- [Category Package] [Category Graphics]