[http://mini.net/files/aplkbd.gif] [Richard Suchenwirth] - For all friends of ''A Programming Language'' (APL), here is a little Tk app with (from bottom up) * a [keyboard widget] with APL specials, as well as ASCII characters * an entry widget where APL input goes * a text widget that logs input (blue), output (black) and errors (red) In addition to the code below, the subset of APL operators from [Playing APL] is also required. Paste it in, source it as separate file, as you like. You'll also need a Unicoded APL font (e.g. SImPL.ttf, which can be downloaded from http://www.vector.org.uk/resource/simp2.htm ). This is a fun project with no warranties, but I hope you enjoy it... To start the thing, just call ''APL::aps''. } source apl_ops.tcl ;# or however you want it inserted namespace eval APL { namespace export apl apl2t aps +/ indx mul/ + - | / = ~ , ? variable aplascii_ucs { /= 0x2260 and 0x2227 circle 0x25CB div 0x00F7 epsilon 0x220a iota 0x2373 @ 0x235D log 0x235f max 0x2308 min 0x230A mul 0x00D7 nand 0x2372 neg 0x00AF nor 0x2371 or 0x2228 rho 0x2374 set 0x2190 } variable not_yet_implemented { -> 0x2192 <= 0x2264 >= 0x2265 delta 0x2206 drop 0x2193 rotate 0x233d take 0x2191 transpose 0x2349 } foreach {a u} $aplascii_ucs { namespace export $a interp alias {} [subst \\u[string range $u 2 end]] {} $a } proc aps {} { catch {destroy .aps} namespace eval :: {namespace import -force APL::*} playstation .aps } proc apl s {uplevel subst [list [apl2t $s]]} #--------------------- partial parser, turns infix APL to prefix Tcl proc apl2t list { set res "" regsub {[\u235D@].*} $list "" list ;# strip comment regsub -all {[{}]} $list " " list ;# ignore braces for now regsub -all \u2190 $list "set" list ;# {<-} #---------- insert potential blanks everywhere, then reduce set list [join [split $list ""] \x81] foreach i {1 2} { regsub -all "(\[_A-Z0-9\])\x81(\[_A-Z0-9\])" $list {\1\2} list regsub -all "(\[a-z\])\x81(\[a-z\])" $list {\1\2} list } ;# ... two times each to cover neighboring instances regsub -all "(\[.\])\x81(\[0-9\])" $list {\1\2} list regsub -all "(\[0-9\])\x81(\[.\])" $list {\1\2} list regsub -all "(\uAF)\x81(\[0-9\])" $list {-\2} list regsub -all "(\[+*\u2308\u230a\u00d7])\x81(/)" $list {\1\2} list regsub -all \x81 $list " " list set op "" set last "" #---------- walk the list from back for {set n [llength $list]} {$n>0} {incr n -1} { set it [lindex $list [expr $n-1]] if [regexp {^[A-Z_]} $it] { if {$last!="val"} {set it $it\"} if {$op!="set"} {set it "\$$it"} set res "$it $res" set last val } elseif {[regexp {^-?[0-9]} $it]} { if {$last!="val"} {set it $it\"} set res "$it $res" set last val } elseif {$it==")"} { if {$last=="val"} {set res \"$res} set last embed set open [matchParen $list [expr $n-1] ( )] set embed [lrange $list [incr open] [incr n -2]] set res "[apl2t $embed] $res" set n $open } elseif {$it=="\]"} { if {$last=="val"} {set res \"$res} set last op set op indx set open [matchParen $list [expr $n-1] \[ \]] set embed [lrange $list [incr open] [incr n -2]] set res "{[apl2t $embed]} $res" set n $open } else { if {$last=="val"} {set res \"$res} set last op if [llength $op] { set res "\[$op $res\]"; set op "" } set op $it } #puts n=$n,it=$it,last=$last,res=$res } if {$last=="val"} {set res \"$res} if [llength $op] {set res "\[$op $res\]"} set res } proc matchParen {list pos open close} { set nparens 0 for {set i $pos} {$i>=0} {incr i -1} { if {[lindex $list $i]==$close} {incr nparens} if {[lindex $list $i]==$open} {incr nparens -1} if {$nparens==0} break } if $nparens {error "paren error"} set i } proc playstation {w args} { array set a {-font {SImPL 12}} array set a $args set keys [concat [specials] 0x28-0x5B 0x5D 0x7C%5 ---- '''''[escargo] 17 Apr 2003 - There seems to be some code missing....''''' [CMcC] This is totally cool. Question for RS, as implementor: does Tcl need a special Tcl_Obj for multi-dimensional arrays to make this totally efficient as well as totally cool?