2006-02-14 [HE] - The native file selection dialog box of [Windows/CE] shows only files from /My Documents and files of the first level of directories inside /My Documents. For me this is not very useful. I remembered that there is a builtin file selection dialog box for Unix platforms. It resides in the file lib/tk/tkfbox.tcl. Some tests shows that this dialogbox can be used on [PocketPC] with [etcl]. Only some changes are needed. [http://mini.net/files/opendialog.jpg] A simple package can help to use the following dialog boxes: tk_getOpenFile, tk_getSaveFile, tk_chooseDir Additional bgerror dialog fits better on the small screen. I named it [he-dialog]. The prefix '''he-''' is only used to separate my packages/code from others. Using only '''dialog''' as name contains the risk to interfere with other packages. It sources the original files and changes them at runtime (on-the-fly). Then it exchanges the native commands with the patched ones. How to build the package: 1. Create a directory to collect all the parts of the package. For example dialogDir 2. Get the following files from the cvstree on http://tcl.sourceforge.net/ and copy them into this directory. By now the script needs exactly this version. With other versions it can/may fail: * tk/library/choosedir.tcl Version 1.19 * tk/library/tkfbox.tcl Version 1.55 * tk/library/bgerror.tcl,v 1.31 3. Create a file he-dialog # he-dialog.tcl # Version 0.2 proc windowFit {top} { # This proc is used in other scripts, too. if {$::tcl_platform(os) eq {Windows CE}} { if {[info exists ::etcl::etcl]} { bind $top {::etcl::autofit %W} ::etcl::autofit $top } else { wm geometry $top 240x[expr 320 - 51]+0+0 } } else { wm geometry $top 240x[expr 320 - 51]+[expr [winfo pointerx .] - 120]+[expr [winfo pointery .] - 135] } return } if {[info exists ::etcl::etcl]} { # # tk_getOpenFile, tk_getSaveFile # option add *__tk_filedialog.icons.canvas.background white # hot patch file tkfbox.tcl,v 1.55 set body [split [info body ::tk::dialog::file::] "\n"] set changeA [list "\t# HE: Change the requester size to fit on pda" "\twindowFit \$w" {}] set changeB [list "\t# HE: To make the dialog window transient creates a title bar?!" "\t# (at least in etcl-8.4.12-pl7 and etcl-8.4.12-pl8)" "#[lindex $body 52]" "#[lindex $body 53]" "#[lindex $body 54]"] set body1 [join [concat [lrange $body 0 51] $changeB [lrange $body 55 end-20] $changeA [lrange $body end-19 end]] "\n"] proc ::tk::dialog::file:: {type args} $body1 # and exchange the procs rename ::tk_getOpenFile ::_tk_getOpenFile ;# The way back proc ::tk_getOpenFile {args} { return [eval ::tk::dialog::file:: open $args] } rename ::tk_getSaveFile ::_tk_getSaveFile ;# The way back proc ::tk_getSaveFile {args} { return [eval ::tk::dialog::file:: save $args] } # # tk_chooseDirectory # option add *__tk_choosedir.icons.canvas.background white # hot patch file choosedir.tcl,v 1.19 set body [split [info body ::tk::dialog::file::chooseDir::] "\n"] set changeA [list "\t# HE: Change the requester size to fit on pda" "\twindowFit \$w" {}] set changeB [list "\t# HE: To make the dialog window transient creates a title bar?!" "\t# (at least in etcl-8.4.12-pl7 and etcl-8.4.12-pl8)" "#[lindex $body 44]" "#[lindex $body 45]" "#[lindex $body 46]"] set body1 [join [concat [lrange $body 0 43] $changeB [lrange $body 47 end-23] $changeA [lrange $body end-22 end]] "\n"] proc ::tk::dialog::file::chooseDir:: {args} $body1 # and exchange the procs rename ::tk_chooseDirectory ::_tk_chooseDirectory proc ::tk_chooseDirectory {args} { return [eval ::tk::dialog::file::chooseDir:: $args] } # # bgerror # # hot patch file bgerror.tcl,v 1.31 set body [info body ::tk::dialog::error::bgerror] regsub -all -- {set messageFont\s\{Times -18\}} $body "set messageFont\tsystem" body1 regsub -all -- {-setgrid true} $body1 "" body1 proc ::tk::dialog::error::bgerror err $body1 set body [split [info body ::tk::dialog::error::Details] "\n"] lappend body "\twindowFit \$w" set body1 [join $body "\n"] proc ::tk::dialog::error::Details {} $body1 } package provide he-dialog 0.2 4. We need a file pkgIndex.tcl with the following contens: package ifneeded he-dialog 0.2 " [list source [file join $dir tkfbox.tcl] ;] [list source [file join $dir choosedir.tcl] ;] [list source [file join $dir bgerror.tcl] ;] [list source [file join $dir he-dialog.tcl] ] " 5. Move the directory dialogDir to a directory in the auto_path of etcl. This is file join [file dirname etcl.exe] .. lib That's it! Hope I haven't copied any error into the code :-) Load the package with package require he-dialog and now you can use the old new dialogboxes tk_getOpenFile, tk_getSaveFile and tk_chooseDir. You can load the package inside the console: console eval {package require he-dialog} ---- [RS]: Very good work! Following your instructions, making and installing it went all flawlessly. Now I'm back to the old-fashioned Unix fileselectors, but still more empowered than Microsoft would have us... Thank you! Just one note: instead of "online patch", I'd rather call this technique [hot patch]. For the lazy or anxious, I've made a ZIP file of the package at [http://mini.net/files/he-dialog0_1.zip] - should run without unzipping... 2006-02-14 [HE] - Followed your suggestion and changed the comments to hot patch. - [RS] Another note: the [canvas] in which one selects directories or files is pretty gray. Not wanting to hot-patch this patch, I just add the line option add *canvas.background white before [package require] he-dialog in my etclrc.tcl startup file - see screenshot at top of this page how it comes out then. 2006-02-14 [HE] - Argh! Found an error. proc ::tk::dialog::file::chooseDir:: {type args} $body1 should be proc ::tk::dialog::file::chooseDir:: {args} $body1 Fixed it! Also insert the suggestion from [RS] to use option. 2006-02-16 [HE] - Added a [hot patch] to make the bgerror dialog more readable (at least if we use the detail button). - [RS]: thanks - that was another grumble I had with eTcl :) (EH] Great! This is really what eTcl was missing, and I could never find time for this. No objection for making them the default in next eTcl release? Shall I dare to mention a good tk_chooseColor dialog is also still missing ... ;-) ---- [Category GUI] | [Category Mobile]