Purpose: to document and review attempts to provide GUI toolkits for Tcl that are based on a library '''other''' than Tk's graphical library. Please add to this list, or correct the info. If links or emails are stale and you have updated email addresses, etc. please add. ---- What: ctaxt Where: ftp://ftp.procplace.com/pub/tcl/sorted/packages-7.6/devel/ctaxt1.2.tar.gz Description: Combine Tcl/Tk with other X Window toolkits (like Motif) into a single graphical user interface. Updated: 09/2002 Contact: mailto:pleiss@expgb.esrf.fr (Holger Pleiss) What: CTk Where: ftp://ccfadm.eeg.ccf.org/pub/ctk/ ftp://ftp.procplace.com/pub/tcl/sorted/packages-7.6/devel/ctk4.0.tar.gz ftp://ftp.procplace.com/pub/tcl/sorted/packages-7.6/devel/ctk4.0b1.tar.gz http://www.du.edu/%7Emschwart/ctk8.0.tar.gz ftp://ftp.redhat.com/pub/contrib/libc5/ Description: This is a version of Tk which uses curses. Applications with a modern GUI-ish interface can be created for character terminals. CTk is a subset of Tk, being unable to do things like scaling canvases, selection, send, active backgrounds, etc. A version 4.2 is available at ccfadm. The version by Mr. Schwartz, at du.edu, has been upgraded to work with Tcl 8, but does not yet support Tk 8 features. There are rpms at redhat which have been upgraded with patches to seem to work with Tk 4.2.p12/Tcl 7.4p3. Updated: 09/2002 Contact: mailto:andrewm@ccfadm.eeg.ccf.org (Martin Andrews) mailto:mschwart@nyx.net (Michael Schwartz) mailto:kop@meme.com (Karl O. Pinc) What: EGR TIGER Where: http://www.easterngraphics.com/products/tiger/ Description: Tcl based Interpretative Graphics EnviRonment (TIGER) is a tool for interpretative graphics programming, providing a one to one binding for OpenGL 1.0. Updated: 04/1999 Contact: mailto:info@easterngraphics.com The Wiki page on [Iain B. Findleton]'s [Tcl Fltk] has more information. What: [Tcl Fltk] binding Where: http://pages.infinit.net/cclients Description: Stubs based extension that implements Tcl bindings to the widgets and dialogs of the Fast Light Toolkit, a GUI development toolkit that runs on Unix, Windows, and a few other places. This binding is nice because it can co-inside visually with a Tk application, even though the commands and widgets are completely distinct from Tk. Updated: 08/2001 Contact: mailto:customclients@videotron.ca What: gnocl Where: http://www.dr-baum.net/gnocl/ Description: A Tcl extension (package) which implements gtk/gnome , not to be a direct mapping from gtk, but to provide easy to use commands to build quickly gnome compliant user interfaces (including canvas widget). It is loosely modeled after the great Tk package. BSD license. Currently at version 0.5.1 . Updated: 08/2002 Contact: mailto:peter@dr-baum.net (Peter G. Baum) What: gnome-tcl Where: http://cyberspace.mht.bme.hu/%7Eszekeres/gnome-tcl/ Description: Tcl binding for GTk+. Version 0.0.1 is for Tcl 8.2 and supports only some GTk+ bindings. Updated: 09/2000 Contact: Unknown What: Moat/TclMotif (Newmarch) Where: ftp://csc.canberra.edu.au/pub/motif/tclMotif/tclMotif.tar.z ftp://ftp.x.org/contrib/devel_tools/tclMotif.1.4.tar.Z ftp://ftp.procplace.com/pub/tcl/sorted/packages-7.6/devel/tclMotif.1.4.tar.gz Description: A Tcl shell (moat) which uses Motif widgets rather than Tk widgets. Requires Tcl 7.3 and Motif 1.2.1. Some Motif 2.0 support is present, but it is based on a beta release of Motif 2.0. A mailing list is available on mailto:listserv@ise.canberra.edu.au ; send a "subscribe tclMotif your_name" line to join. Updated: 09/2002 Contact: mailto:jan@pandonia.canberra.edu.au (Jan Newmarch) What: NeXTSTEP / Tcl interface (Johnson) Where: ftp://media.mit.edu/pub/WavesWorld/WW1.0B2Complete.tar ftp://media.mit.edu/pub/WavesWorld/WW1.0B2SrcOnly.tar Description: This is a strictly NeXTSTEP interface. One of the two palettes included in this release is WWTCLWidgets one take on how to integrate Tcl into the NeXTSTEP development environment. The other palette makes use of the Tcl widget palette. The other WavesWorld palettes, on ftp://media.mit.edu/pub/WavesWorld/, integrate Tcl into IB, complete with a suite of UI objects, and a 3D modeling language called eve, which is basically Tcl with a full RenderMan binding. The WWTCLWidgetsPalette includes a WWTCLInterp, which is an objective-C wrapper around a Tcl interp. Contact: mailto:wave@media.mit.edu (Michael B. Johnson) [[... nexTk? ...]] What: PortBox Where: From the contact Description: A Tcl 7.x interface to the XVT GUI toolbox. It is not a complete encapsulation of XVT, though it may be close enough to be useful. It is freely distributable software, even though XVT is not. It was developed with the Macintosh's MPW 3.2+ and SCO Motif on XVT v3.02. It has not been ported to Windows. PortBox requires an ANSI C compiler. This is *NOT* a version of Tk for the Macintosh or Windows. Updated: Contact: mailto:ccoupe@riscy.simplot.com (Cecil Coupe) [[... Qt ...]] [[ [Petasis George] has worked on this.]] What: TCLMOTIF (Barlow) Where: ftp://gatekeeper.dec.com/rom/euuc-freeware/MISCELLA/TCL/TCLMOTIF.Z Description: Ultrix port of Tcl 6 with Motif extension. Updated: Contact: mailto:barlow@decwet.enet.dec.com (Doug Barlow, DECwest NSM/AD) What: tclMotif extension of a Matrix widget Where: From the contact Description: Changes to tclMotif 1.2 to integrate the XbaeMatrixWidget (a freely distributable Motif efficient, editable matrix widget) into tclMotif. Updated: Contact: mailto:sriram@tcs.com (Sriram Srinivasan) What: [TclWin] Where: http://www.bgi-sa.com/ Description: Native MS-Windows GUI interface, for Windows 95/NT. Requires Tcl 8.0 or ActiveTcl. Replaces Tk. Create modeless dialog boxes, native window controls, extended window controls, user drawn window controls and bitmapped buttons with [tooltips] in dll form. A sample GUI editor written in Tcl is provided. A new version is almost finished with full MDI support (multi menu), Popup Menu, Growable and dockable dialog boxes, Tooltips. Licence is free of charge, doc is in the form of a Winhelp file, Source available on request. Updated: 12/1998 Contact: mailto:NFR@BGI-SA.com (N. Frankinet) What: Tcl_GTk Where: http://tcl-gtk.sourceforge.net/ Description: A number of GTk widgets have been bound to Tcl 8.2, based on GTk 1.2. Currently at pre-alpha version 0.03. Updated: 07/1999 Contact: mailto:tcl_gtk@sourceforge.net (Mark S. Patton) What: wxTcl Where: http://www.multimania.com/awaken Description: The wx is a new GUI extension to Tcl, based on wxWindows and wxGTK. It's intention is to provide a developer with an extension able to provide a native look and feel, contemporary looking programming constructs, AND still be able to operate within a normal Tcl and Tk application! The extension is considered beta at this time, but should exhibit the possibilities to the developer. Updated: 09/2000 Contact: mailto:awaken71@yahoo.fr (Olivier Paquay) ---- [Category GUI]