Version 20 of Alphatk

Updated 2002-06-14 08:53:01

Tcl-based editor. Runs on Windows, Unix and MacOS, using Tcl/Tk 8.1.1 or newer. Maintained by Vince Darley.

Alphatk has had the ability to browse remote Wiki's (using the http package) for quite some time. Recently, it added the ability to edit pages on those Wiki's --- this means you are no longer limited by your browser's very poor text editing frames. When you click on the 'edit' link, Alphatk opens up the Wiki markup in a temporary window, and when you save the window, it is http-posted back to the Wiki it came from! See How to edit Wiki pages in Alphatk for details. Similarly you can use Alphatk to edit TIPs, and ftp sites remotely.


Unfortunately, Alphatk has one of the worst GUI interface designs that I have ever seen. Click a menu, any menu, and you will know what I mean. The author would benefit greatly by reading some GUI design books.

You obviously feel strongly about this. Can I suggest 2 things

  • you don't make such comments anonymously
  • you contact the AlphaTk author and offer to critique the UI for him

Doing either or both of these will increase the chances of your comments being considered and acted upon - stevel June 14, 2002

Vince -- Indeed! Quite a lot of people are very happy with the way Alphatk works and looks, so perhaps it is your particular platform/desktop/window-manager which is set up so Alphatk doesn't look too good. Of course unless you actually give us some more information, it isn't possible to do anything about what you say, so you comments are basically impotent ;-) It is also a shame, since I actually do want to fix any problems you may see, but you haven't given enough information to allow me (or anyone else) to do so!! It is always a bit silly to assume that what you observe/see on your personal computer is the same as what everyone else in the world sees on theirs, especially with cross-platform applications!

Category Application