Tcl-based editor. Runs on Windows, Unix and MacOS, using Tcl/Tk 8.1.1 or newer. Maintained by [Vince Darley]. Alphatk has had the ability to browse remote Wiki's (using the http package) for quite some time. Recently, it added the ability to edit pages on those Wiki's --- this means you are no longer limited by your browser's very poor text editing frames. When you click on the 'edit' link, Alphatk opens up the Wiki markup in a temporary window, and when you save the window, it is http-posted back to the Wiki it came from! See [How to edit Wiki pages in Alphatk] for details. ''Unfortunately, Alphatk has one of the worst GUI interface designs that I've ever seen. Click a menu, any menu, and you'll know what I mean. The author would benefit greatly by reading some GUI design books'' ---- [Category Application]