The following code allows affine transforms of polygon items on a canvas. Other canvas items like rectangle, oval, text... cannot be transformed. Derived from a post on [the comp.lang.tcl newsgroup] by [Donal Fellows]: proc translation {dx dy} {list 1 0 0 1 $dx $dy} proc reflect-x {} {list 1 0 0 -1 0 0} proc reflect-y {} {list -1 0 0 1 0 0} proc shear {sx sy} {list 1 $sx $sy 1 0 0} set ::pi [expr {atan(1)*4}] proc rotation {angle {units radians}} { global pi switch -- $units { d - de - deg - degr - degre - degree - degrees { set angle [expr {double($angle)/180*$pi}] } g - gr - gra - grad - gradi - gradie - gradien - gradient - gradients { # I think I've spelt this one right... set angle [expr {double($angle)/200*$pi}] } r - ra - rad - radi - radia - radian - radians { # Do nothing } default { return -code error "unknown angle unit \"$units\": must be\ one of degrees, gradients or radians" } } list [expr {cos($angle)}] [expr {sin($angle)}] \ [expr {-sin($angle)}] [expr {cos($angle)}] 0 0 } proc apply_affine {transform args} { if {[llength $args]==1} {set args [lindex $args 0]} set result [list] foreach {a b c d e f} $transform {break} foreach {x y} $args { lappend result [expr {$a*$x+$b*$y+$e}] [expr {$c*$x+$d*$y+$f}] } return $result } proc combine_affine {transform args} { foreach {a b c d e f} $transform {break} foreach xform $args { foreach {i j k l m n} $xform {break} # Next line does simultaneous assignment... foreach {a b c d e f} [list \ [expr {$a*$i+$c*$j}] [expr {$b*$i+$d*$j}] \ [expr {$a*$k+$c*$l}] [expr {$b*$k+$d*$l}] \ [expr {$e*$i+$f*$j+$m}] [expr {$e*$k+$f*$l+$n}]] {break} } list $a $b $c $d $e $f } if 0 { # Comment out this separator/heading! ---- '''USAGE''' } pack [canvas .c] .c create polygon 50 50 80 60 90 90 60 80 \ -fill green -outline white -tag shape bind .c <1> {rotate_about 10 %x %y} bind .c <3> {rotate_about -10 %x %y} proc rotate_about {d x y} { # Rotates by $d degrees about the given point by applying the # transforms "Translate to origin, rotate by $d, translate back" set xform [combine_affine \ [translation -$x -$y] [rotation $d deg] [translation $x $y] ] set coords [apply_affine $xform [.c coords shape]] eval [list .c coords shape] $coords } ---- '''BACKGROUND''' Affine Transforms (I've no idea where ''Affine'' comes from) are a general way of representing all sorts of planar transforms (they also have an obvious extension to 3D though computing the rotations can be much trickier there) and combining them to get single transforms that have the same effect as a series of individual transforms (this is where they gain of an ad-hoc mechanism.) They form a fundamental part of the imaging model of PostScript, PDF and Java2D. They represent each transform as a six-tuple of values and each point or vector (the difference really is non-existent at this level) as a pair of values. But these representations are really short-hands for the full mathematical representation with all the constant terms factored out. Thus, the point ''{x y}'' is really the vector: / x \ | y | \ 1 / The third term is a scaling factor, and if non-unit you should divide each value in the vector by it (incidentally making that value be 1 again.) Similarly, the transform ''{a b c d e f}'' is really: / a b 0 \ | c d 0 | \ e f 1 / (The third column would allow for sophisticated non-linear scaling if it had values other than above, but nobody seems to want that.) Now, matrix algebra 101 tells us that when we multiply the above vector by the above transform, we get: / ax+cy+e \ | bx+dy+f | \ 1 / And this is exactly what we want with linear transforms, as it allows us to let the previous ''x'' and ''y'' components of the vector influence what the new vector is (giving rotation, scaling, reflection, and shearing) while applying a simple translation at the same time. Perfect! And if we multiply the matrices together, we can even combine these transforms (and yes, it works the obvious way with transforms being applied from left to right.) / a b 0 \ / i j 0 \ / ai+cj bi+dj 0 \ | c d 0 | * | k l 0 | = | ak+cl bk+dl 0 | \ e f 1 / \ m n 1 / \ ei+fj+m ek+fl+n 1 / You can learn more about this from ''loads'' of different standard maths and graphics texts. ---- [Arts and crafts of Tcl-Tk programming]