Tinker, Drifter, Fixer, Bum. Sometimes answers to [lexfiend]. Started using Tcl at UC Berkeley, way back in Tcl 6 days (whatever the current version was in 1991). Set up the first Tcl Contrib Archive (back when FTP was the file-exchange medium of choice), stopped using Tcl for over 10 years, then came back to find that the more things change, the more they stay the same. Currently using Tcl in weird and unconventional ways (but under various NDAs, sorry). ---- Adrian Ho lives in newcastle washington and can be found @ http://theonlyho.deviantart.com More later... ---- More Adrian Hos in: * Sydney * Cherrybrook * etc. ---- ''Possibly one of the most frequently vandalised pages on this Wiki - a dubious distinction, to be sure. :)'' ---- Yeah because when you type in 'adrian ho' to firefox it directs to this page and theres this guy at my school called adrian ho ---- [Category Person]