Version 19 of About the WIki

Updated 2010-11-02 10:19:35 by JamieB

The Tcler's Wiki is a collaboratively-edited area on the web, dedicated to the Tcl programming language and its extensions, including the Tk graphical toolkit.

The system hosting the Tcler's Wiki comprises the following software modules

The relationships between the modules are shown in the following diagram The Wiki is hosted on a virtual Linux server at [L1 ]

The TDBC back-end is currently SQLite.

Editing Pages

Information for this seems rather scattered and is not easily found, so I thought this should be a starting point, since it is easily accessible on the left banner About the Wiki buchs

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The Tcler's Wiki was created by Jean-Claude Wippler and hosted by him from 1999 until the early 2007. In early 2007 the hosting was taken over by Colin McCormack, and in early 2008 the Wiki was given a makeover by Steve Landers and Jos Decoster.

The Wiki is now hosted by the Tcl Association on behalf of the Tcl Community, and maintained by a team of volunteers, including

The Wiki contents are stewarded by a team of Wiki Gnomes, one of the most prominent being Larry Virden. Colin McCormack continues to develop and support Wub and its use with the Wiki.