Version 36 of Abacus

Updated 2013-12-25 06:06:13 by RLE

What is an abacus?

An abacus is a mechanical calculating tool, up to today used in Russia, Japan, Korea and China. See TkSoroban for an emulation of the Japanese kind.


Abacus is a Tcl/Tk/C++/C spreadsheet developed for Linux. It supports graphics, printing, saving and loading different formats, cell editing, sorting, column and row manipulation, cell formats, undo/redo, formulas, and more.

The programming team (in Portugal) also references a tool called Abacus for the Palm Pilot; however I don't believe it has any Tcl/Tk connection.

- Updated: 02/2000

More info here

The following link: is dead (as of May 4th 2007).

Try: [L1 ]


Mail to: [email protected]

- Friday May 4th 2007; I wrote them and my mail was returned. It seems that this E-mail address is inoperative. (Josh)

Old description on the Applications in Tcl and Tcl/Tk page

For number crunching and what ifs in Tcl/Tk plus C++ Extensions


- The old link at is dead.


(josh) It would be fun to be able to play around with an exe Windows version of this program, compiled in this manner: See .

In fact this program is really complete. It has all sorts of spreadsheet functions built into it. The Portugal Tcl-Tk connection did really fine precision work!

However, I for one would be pretty happy to simply be able to create small unpretentious spreadsheets; I won't need all the sophistication Abacus has. Therefore a small -call it- Mini Abacus stripped of many functions and holding in a meg or so would do the job perfectly for me and I believe for many of us.