[Robert Abitbol] Perhaps in the spirit of keeping the established independent pages system at Wikit, we could try the following system: '''1.''' When a question will have been answered on any one of the "Ask and you shall be given" pages, the question will be pasted into a new page with its category written on the bottom the same way it has always been done here. Ex: a page called [Detecting the sort of files in an Oracle Console] Category: Database This way: the system at Wikit will be uniform. A page per item. See for example: [Proof of concept: Detecting the sort of files in an Oracle Console] '''2.''' A few index pages could be created giving a complete list with comments of all pages related to a subject. See for an example: [Proof of concept: Index Page: Databases] This is the in my view the simplest way to process the questions on the "Ask and you shall be given" pages and it's also the best way to keep the uniform system of '''one subject per page''' established here at Wikit. ---- '''Comments''' [MAK] First of all, for the love of Tcl, please stop creating a bazillion pages on the same topic and leaving poo all over the place. There are now at least seven pages just for arguing on the same thread alone, not to mention the arguing on other pages. I've followed some of your links to other wikis and you seem to do the same thing and make people grumpy in the same way at the others too. If you want to experiment, how about setting your own separate Wikit installation for "proof of concept" instead of leaving permanent junk all over this one? Secondly, the majority problems you are trying to solve are technological, not methodical. Things like index pages and links to edit/recent changes/etc. at the top of pages are ones issues for the Wikit software, not for page editing. Perhaps you don't realize that where you've seen some of these things you've seen in other Wikis (like heirarchical categorization/indexing and [UseModWiki]'s SubPage features) that you're trying to manually crowbar into this one are features of the software and not editing style, I don't know, but in many cases they are. If you want "edit this page" and "recent changes" etc. links at the top of the page too, then why don't you instead argue for the software to add them? I happen to think heirarchical categorization and index pages are a good idea in general, but writing them manually is '''totally''' the wrong approach and just creates '''more''' maintenance headaches. Instead of doing this stuff by hand and creating more work for other people, why not argue that the certain features of other wiki software that aren't available in Wikit should be incorporated into it? Sigh. I keep trying to stay out of this but I couldn't bite my tongue anymore. I'm sure you'll keep bulldozing along no matter what I or anyone else says. (P.S. please, ''don't'' create a page to argue with me about this or go spreading out even more to my personal page. Thank you.) ---- [RA] Thanks for your edit. Interesting observation. I am indeed very much a partisan of maintenance '''by hand''' on a wiki and I love Pete's idea of creating a manual trail system. As for the amount of work involved, I don't mind... It's fun! I don't like completely automatic solutions to a problem; I like to ask some user's input, you are right. As for my asking to put the edit and the Recent Changes on top, there is no real need since I can design a small frozen menu that will be called from my hard drive and that will guide me when I'm on wikit. I have written small similar programs in HTML for almost every wiki I go to and for my personal wiki also. The point was to make this feature available to '''all.''' I don't think a few navigation lines on the top of a page could hurt anyone. I find these links very useful. So, what solution to the problem of the "Ask and you shall be given" problem do you propose then? Do you have any ideas? I see you also know a thing or two about hierarchy and other wiki concepts. As for your other comments, I can say I have tried to be less cynical and less combattive on wikis. Why? Being like that does not amuse me anymore as it used to. :-) I have always liked cynicism I admit but cynicism is a dangerous weapon that can quickly turn to verbal abuse. :-) Since I am a kind person and I try not to hurt anyone I now try to avoid such behaviour. I'm back to normal I guess... The way I conducted myself on WikiT the first time I came here was plain silly, childish and I regretted it. I act in a more dignified manner in real life and now I am basically acting on wikis the same way I act in real life. I'm not a teen you know, I'm 52! :-) Also, some people on wikis are awfully bored and they try to get into a conflict to entertain themselves; I have no time to give them entertainment I have had a lot of work lately. Besides I am not an entertainer. The best is never to put things on a personal level and to refuse to engage in a conflict. I entirely share Jean-Claude's philosophy on the subject. Mind you I could engage in some silliness once in a while if I feel amused by it. But usually I avoid such silliness... :-)