This is a little digital clock with an LED style display, using unicode characters. edit: I've now fixed the code so that the wiki site can display it, it seemed to struggle with the unicode symbols used, U+1FBFx from "symbols for legacy computing". See ====== package require Tk pack [label .l -font {monospace 26} -background black -foreground red -relief ridge -borderwidth 16] -fill both -expand 1 proc every {ms script} { uplevel #0 $script after $ms [list every $ms $script] } set stringMap {} for {set i 0} {$i<10} {incr i} { lappend stringMap $i [encoding convertfrom utf-8 [binary format H* [string cat {F09FAFB} $i]]] } every 44 { .l configure -text \ [string map $stringMap \ [string cat \ [clock format [clock seconds] -format {%H:%M:%S.}] \ [format {%02d } [expr {int([clock milliseconds]%1000/1000.0*100)}]] ] \ ] } ====== ---- '''[saito] - 2024-03-12''' Nice! However, the code above does not run. I think it may be related to the unicode stuff. BTW, I have a similar version of this with a few customizable options. Maybe I will try to post it later.