[SS] 2004-02-10: I used the last weekend to implement [Joy] in Tcl. It's not very fast of course, and still not complete, but does tail call optimization, has first class continuations, and is stackless (The interpreter never call itself), so it's simple to transfer an entire running program from an interpreter to another one. Changelog 2004-02-11 Now the implementation is a superset of Joy, that I called 'Apathy'. It's basically Joy with locals designed to don't break the Joy semantics. Now Joy primitives are implemented in Apathy and there are more primitives. Too big to put it here on the Wiki, so download it from http://www.hping.org/tclsbignum/joy.tcl if you are interested. Run it with tclsh joy.tcl to use the interactive mode, or pass an file name to execute a program written in [Joy]. As stated, it's still not finished. Many primitives are missing, but can easily implemented in Joy itself. Also note that currently the 'set' data type is missing. Btw it is able to run this (From the Joy tutorial): DEFINE permlist == [ small ] [ unitlist ] [ uncons ] [ swap [ swons [ small ] [ unitlist ] [ dup unswons [uncons] dip swons ] [ swap [swons] cons map cons ] linrec ] cons map [null] [] [uncons] [concat] linrec ] linrec. [1 2 3 4 5] permlist Use the help command to print a list of the defined words. Currently the following are defined: {} != * + - . / < <= = > >= and at auxpop auxpush body branch callcc character concat cons continue dip dup dupd exit first float help i ifte integer intern linrec list local map newstack not null or pairlist pairstring pop popd pred primrec put putchars rem rest ret rolldown rollup rotate second size small stack stacktrace step string succ swap swapd swons tailrec tclrepr third times truth uncons uncons2 unconsd unitlist unitstring unpair unstack unswons unswons2 while xor y I plan to have a fully compatible interpreter in some day.