Version 1 of 1K

Updated 2014-03-25 03:29:45 by HJG

HJG 2014-03-25 - Work in progress / GUI only.


# 1k-p03.tcl

# A small game with numbers,
# like 1024 by Veewo Studio, 2048 by Gabriele Cirulli, or Threes by Asher Vollmer.

  package require Tk

  global Prg

  set Prg(Title)    "1K-Puzzle"
  set Prg(Version)  "v0.03"
  set Prg(Date)     "2014-03-21"
  set Prg(Author)   "Hans-Joachim Gurt"
  set Prg(Contact)  [string map -nocase {: @ ! .} gurt:gmx!de]
  set Prg(About)    "Combine equeal numbers, to reach 1024"
  set Prg(Msg)      "Press up/down,left/right."

  proc Start {} {
      after 1000  { Fill_Zero }

  proc Fill_Test {} {
      set ::Prg(Msg)  "Starting..."

      .b11 configure  -text "1"
      .b12 configure  -text "2"
      .b13 configure  -text "4"
      .b14 configure  -text "8"

      .b21 configure  -text "16"
      .b22 configure  -text "32"
      .b23 configure  -text "64"
      .b24 configure  -text "128"

      .b31 configure  -text "256"
      .b32 configure  -text "512"
      .b33 configure  -text "1024"
      .b34 configure  -text "2048"

      .b41 configure  -text "Press"
      .b42 configure  -text "keys"
      .b43 configure  -text "to"
      .b44 configure  -text "play"
  proc Fill_Zero {} {
     for {set r 1} {$r<=4} {incr r} {
        for {set c 1} {$c<=4} {incr c} {
            .b$r$c configure -text " "

  proc X { x } {
  proc Move { dir } {
      set ::Prg(Msg)  "Button pressed: $dir"
## TODO ...


  proc InitGUI {} {
      global Prg

      wm title . "$Prg(Title) $Prg(Version)"
      puts       "$Prg(Title) $Prg(Version)"
      frame .f0 -background grey                 ;# Outer frame
      pack  .f0  -padx 10  -pady 10

      label .lb_1 -text         $Prg(Title) -width 10 -bg white -pady 8
      label .lb_2 -textvariable  Prg(Msg)   -width 30 -bg grey  -pady 8
      # rows:
      frame .f1  -background red
      frame .f2  -background yellow
      frame .f3  -background green
      frame .f4  -background blue
      frame .fJ  -background grey80  -pady 8     ;# Joystick-Buttons

      frame .fB  -background cyan    -pady 2     ;# Start/Quit-Buttons
      pack .lb_1            -in .f0 -pady 5
      pack .f1 .f2 .f3 .f4  -in .f0
      pack .lb_2            -in .f0 -pady 5
      pack .fJ
      pack .fB
      option add *Button.width  4
      option add *Button.height 2
      for {set r 1} {$r<=4} {incr r} {
        for {set c 1} {$c<=4} {incr c} {
          button .b$r$c -text " "
      option add *Button.width  1
      option add *Button.height 1
      button .b1 -text "^"  -command { Move 1 }
      button .b2 -text "v"  -command { Move 2 }
      button .b3 -text "<"  -command { Move 3 }
      button .b4 -text ">"  -command { Move 4 }
      label  ._  -text "+"
      option add *Button.width  6
      option add *Button.height 1
      button  .bt_start -text "Start" -command { Start }
      button  .bt_quit  -text "Quit"  -command { exit }
      pack .b11 .b12 .b13 .b14  -in .f1  -side left -padx 0
      pack .b21 .b22 .b23 .b24  -in .f2  -side left -padx 0
      pack .b31 .b32 .b33 .b34  -in .f3  -side left -padx 0
      pack .b41 .b42 .b43 .b44  -in .f4  -side left -padx 0
      pack .b1 -in .fJ -side top
      pack .b2 -in .fJ -side bottom
      pack .b3 -in .fJ -side left
      pack ._  -in .fJ -side left
      pack .b4 -in .fJ -side right
      pack  .bt_start .bt_quit  -in .fB  -side left -padx 18 -pady 2
