if 0 { <> ---- **Introduction** [HJG] 2016-02-16: There is a 15-puzzle in the Tk-demo. It uses [button]s for the tiles and [place] to move the buttons around. Other variants here on the wiki are [The Classic 15 Puzzle] and [N-puzzle], but they are quite lengthy. <
> Both programs use numbers - it would be nice to have a variant that can use other symbols and/or a sliced-up picture. Currently, there is a draft-task for the 15-puzzle at http://rosettacode.org/wiki/15_Puzzle_Game%|%rosettacode%|%, and I wanted <
> to fill in an entry for tcl, with a fairly short and simple version of this 15-puzzle. Starting with the layout from [A small calculator], I'm using a [grid] of buttons here, <
> and moving around the text on the buttons. <
> There is one builtin puzzle, and more puzzles can be loaded from an external file. } ---- **Code** ======tcl # 15puzzle_35.tcl - HaJo Gurt - 2016-02-21 # http://wiki.tcl.tk/14403 #: 15-Puzzle - with grid, buttons and colors, # and more puzzle-data from source. package require Tk set progVersion "15-Puzzle v0.35"; # 2016-02-21 global Msg Moves PuzzNr GoalNr set Msg $progVersion set Moves -1 set PuzzNr 0 set GoalNr 0 set Keys { 11 12 13 14 21 22 23 24 31 32 33 34 41 42 43 44 } set Puzz(T) "TheFifteenPuzzle"; # Title set Goal(T) "...Fifteen......"; # Title-highlight set Goal(0) "ABCDEFGHIKLMNOP_"; # Rows LTR / 1:E : 108 set Goal(1) "AEINBFKOCGLPDHM_"; # Cols forw. / 1:M : 114 set Puzz(0) "CAFBEGPNDLHIOKM_"; # E / 156 from Tk-demo #set Puzz(1) "EGPNCAFBDLHIOKM_"; # moved to 4x4_puzz.tcl if { [catch { source 4x4_puzz.tcl } ] } { bell set Msg "No puzzle-file" } set Puzzle $Puzz(T) set Goal_ $Goal(T) #---+----1----+----2----+----3----+----4----+----5----+----6----+----7----+--- proc Move {k} { # find the key with the empty tile: set e -1 foreach p $::Keys { set t [.key$p cget -text] if { $t eq "_" } { set e $p } } if {$e < 0} {return 0}; # no key with empty tile found if {$k == $e} {return 0}; # click was on the empty tile set t [.key$k cget -text] .key$e config -text $t .key$k config -text "_"; return 1 } proc Check {} { set ok 0 set i 0 foreach k $::Keys { set t [.key$k cget -text] set g [string index $::Goal_ $i] incr i .key$k config -background white if { $t eq $g } { .key$k config -background lightgreen; incr ok } if { $t eq "_" } { .key$k config -background gray } } # Solved: update if { $ok > 15 && $::Moves > 0} { foreach k $::Keys { .key$k flash; bell; } } } proc Click {k} { set ::Msg "" set val [.key$k cget -text] set ok [Move $k] incr ::Moves $ok wm title . "$::Moves moves" Check } proc ShowKeys {} { set i 0 foreach k $::Keys { set t [string index $::Puzzle $i] incr i .key$k config -text $t -background white; } Check } proc NewGame {N} { global Msg Moves PuzzNr GoalNr set ::Goal_ $::Goal(0); if { $GoalNr == 1} { set ::Goal_ $::Goal(1); } incr PuzzNr $N if { [catch { set ::Puzzle $::Puzz($PuzzNr)} ] } { wm title . "No puzzle $PuzzNr !" bell; after 333 set PuzzNr 0; set ::Puzzle $::Puzz($PuzzNr) } if { $N==0 } { set Msg "Try again" } else { set Msg "New game" } set Moves 0 ShowKeys wm title . "$Msg #$PuzzNr" } #---+----1----+----2----+----3----+----4----+----5----+----6----+----7----+--- button .reset -text "Restart" -fg blue -command {NewGame 0}; # same puzzle button .newGame -text "New Game" -fg red -command {NewGame +1}; # next puzzle bind .newGame <3> {NewGame -1}; # Rightclick : previous puzzle bind .newGame {set PuzzNr 0}; # Shift-click: select puzzle #1 foreach k $::Keys { button .key$k -text "$k" -width 4 -command "Click $k" } grid .newGame x .reset x -sticky nsew -pady 4 grid .key11 .key12 .key13 .key14 -sticky nsew -padx 1 -pady 1 grid .key21 .key22 .key23 .key24 -sticky nsew -padx 1 -pady 1 grid .key31 .key32 .key33 .key34 -sticky nsew -padx 1 -pady 1 grid .key41 .key42 .key43 .key44 -sticky nsew -padx 1 -pady 1 grid configure .newGame .reset -columnspan 2 -padx 15 ShowKeys; Check wm title . $Msg focus -force . wm resizable . 0 0 ====== ---- **Data** This optional file provides additional puzzles, and gets included in the above program via [source]. If this file is missing, the main program runs with just the one builtin puzzle. ======tcl # 4x4_puzz.tcl - 2016-02-20 # http://wiki.tcl.tk/14403 if {![info exists Puzz]} { error "This script only provides data for the program '15puzzle.tcl'.\n\n" } ### Puzzle-data for 15puzzle_35.tcl : #set Puzz(0) "CAFBEGPNDLHIOKM_"; # E / builtin, from Tk-demo set Puzz(1) "EGPNCAFBDLHIOKM_"; # - / 116 set Puzz(2) "EONKMI_GBHLPCFAD"; # L / 133 set Puzz(3) "PGM_ELNDOKHIBCFA"; # EK / 146 set Puzz(4) "ABIKCDLMEFNOGHP_"; # ABP / 98 set Puzz(5) "IKAB_PCDLMEFNOGH"; # NO / 61 #...more puzzles... ====== ---- **Comments** [HJG] The game is working fine, but there is no check if the clicked button is next to the empty tile. I wanted to take care of that with '-state disabled' / '-state normal', but doing that resulted in some strange effects... As-is, you have the choice to play it by 'sliding' or 'swapping'. <
> I think this a valid variant to play - find the perfect swapping-sequence (akin to Tower-of-Hanoi). The button "New game" selects the next game, "Restart" starts the same puzzle again. <
> Rightclick on "New game" selects the previous puzzle, and a shift-click goes back to puzzle #1. I changed from lists to strings, and there is an include-file now, with more puzzles. <
> A puzzle-generator (to-be-written) could just append lines to that file. ---- '''See also:''' * [The Classic 15 Puzzle] - [N-puzzle] * http://migo.sixbit.org/puzzles/fifteen%|%Fifteen puzzle online%|% (JavaScript) * ... <> Application | Games | GUI