my oh my

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'''my oh my''' is a response to a question by [jbr] in [Ask, and it shall be given # 11]

** In tcloo can I create a new "slot" type class variable? **

Specifically I'd like to create a "method" declaration adjective, similar to "public" and "private" from [JBR's tcloo.tcl].  The adjective I'm thinking of is "linked" that will
perform the function of the "procs" procedure in tcloo.tcl, and is called "link" in some other code (forgot where ([PYK]:  probably in [ooutil])).  It links procs in an object's namespace to the class
methods such that they can be called as commands.

The current implementations require the set of linked methods to be mentioned twice, once in their method declarations and once in the link/procs call in the class 
constructor.  I'd like something like:

    linked method name { args } { body }

The linked method would add the method name to the classes linked slot and then at constructor time (maybe automatically) the links would be made using the "linked" slot list.  Is it possible to 
override or filter the class constructor to handle this automatic at constructor time part?  Without subclassing??

Thanks - [JBR]

** my oh my **

[PYK] 2014-06-11: I put together a mixin class that tries to do what you've
described.  The purpose of `[string map]` here is to find a nice private
location for the bookkeeping that is done to track the `my` methods.  It's a
little ugly, but hey, it works.

Using `[namespace unknown]` as the redirector was the only way I could find at
the script level to get this job done.

Overloading the word `my` for this purpose leads to a heaping helping of `my`,
but other ideas such as `my!` and `nomy` seemed even more forced.  Better ideas
are welcome, and anyone wants to improve this code, please just dig in!

[PYK] 2014-06-18: modified to work for subclasses as well

oo::class create my

{*}[string map [list {{{my}}} [list [
    info object namespace [::oo::object new]]]] {apply {{} {

    oo::define my constructor args {
        namespace eval [self namespace] [string map [list {{{self}}} [self]] {
            namespace unknown [list apply [list args {
                lassign $args methodname
                set callinfo [lindex [info object call {{self}} $methodname] 0]
                lassign $callinfo mmeth mname mclass mtype
                set clsns [info object namespace $mclass] 
                if {[info exists {{my}}::${clsns}::my]
                    && [lindex $args 0] in [set {{my}}::${clsns}::my]} {                    return [upailevecal [lis tailcall my {*}$args]]
                return -code error [list {invalid command name} $args]

    proc oo::define::my {method name margs body} {
        uplevel [list method $name $margs $body]
        set clsname [lindex [info level -1] 1]
        set ns [uplevel [list info object namespace $clsname]]
        namespace eval {{my}}::$ns {}
        lappend {{my}}::${ns}::my $name


oo::class create class1
oo::define class1 {
    mixin -append my
    my method method1 args {
        return {hi from method1}
    method method2 args {
        method1 blim blam

class1 create inst1
puts [inst1 method2]

oo::class create class2
oo::define class2 {
    superclass class1
    method method3 args {

class2 create inst2
puts [inst2 method3]


oo::class create class1
oo::define class1 {
    mixin -append my
    my method method1 args {
        return {hi from method1}
    method method2 args {
        method1 arg1 arg2

class1 create inst1
puts [inst1 method2]

oo::class create class2
oo::define class2 {
    superclass class1
    method method3 args {

class2 create inst2
puts [inst2 method3]


[JBR]: OK Building on [PYK]'s answer above I'll propose this chain of mixin constructors:

oo::class create __linked {
    constructor { args } {
        # Don't know if the class has a constructor, catch a bad call
        catch { next {*}$args }

        # Create the links
        foreach link [set [[info object class [self]] varname __linked]] {
            proc [namespace current]::$link args [subst { tailcall my $link {*}\$args }]
oo::class create _linked {
    variable __linked

    constructor { args } {
        set __linked {}

        next {*}$args

        oo::define [self] { mixin -append __linked }

oo::define oo::class {
    mixin -append _linked
proc oo::define::linked { args } {
    set class [lindex [info level -1] 1]
    oo::define $class { self export varname }

    if { [lindex $args 0] ne "method" } {
        set method [lindex $args 2]             ; # Skip over public / private
    } else {
        set method [lindex $args 1]

    lappend [$class varname __linked] $method   ; # remember linked methods

    uplevel 1 $args

oo::class create foo {
    linked method method2 { y } { puts $y }

    method method1 { y } {
        method2 $y

foo create inst
inst method1 1


[PYK] 2014-06-18: Neither my original code (since improved) nor JBR's followup
was robust enough to handle subclasses.  Here's a further evolution of JBR's
code that has that ability.  JBR (or anyone else), feel free to jump in and
directly modiify in this code to taste:

oo::class create __linked {
    constructor args {
        # Don't know if the class has a constructor, catch a bad call
        catch {next {*}$args}

        foreach methodname [info object methods [self] -all] {
            #namespace eval [info object namespace my varname __linked
            foreach call [info object call [self] $methodname] {
                lassign $call mmeth mname mclass mtype 
                if {[info object isa object $mclass] && 
                    [info object isa class $mclass]} {
                    set varname [namespace eval [
                        info object namespace $mclass] my varname __linked]
                    if {[info exists $varname]} {
                        if {$methodname in [set $varname]} {
                            # Create the links
                            proc [namespace current]::$methodname args "
                                tailcall my [list $methodname] {*}\$args"

oo::class create _linked {
    variable __linked

    constructor args {
        set __linked {}
        next {*}$args
        oo::define [self] {mixin -append __linked}

oo::define oo::class {
    mixin -append _linked

proc oo::define::linked args {
    set class [lindex [info level -1] 1]

    # Skip over public / private
    set method [lindex $args [lsearch -exact $args method]+1]

    # remember linked methods
    lappend [namespace eval [
        info object namespace $class] my varname __linked] $method

    uplevel 1 $args


oo::class create class1 

oo::define class1 {
    linked method method2 y {return $y}

    method method1 y {
        method2 $y

class1 create inst1
puts [inst1 method1 1]

oo::class create class2 {
    superclass class1

    method method3 {} {
        method2 3

class2 create inst2
puts [inst2 method3]

<<categories>> my | Object Orientation