Serial summing

if 0 { Richard Suchenwirth 2002-05-05: Reading chapter 1.3 of SICP, a highly educational introduction to programming based on the LISP dialect Scheme, I felt challenged to try to reproduce the Scheme examples for summation of a series in Tcl, for example:

/   f(n) = f(a) + ... + f(b)

PYK 2019-02-10: I have modified this page to use a modern form of lambda, and to use tailcall where appropriate. The tradeoff is that because Tcl doesn't do tail recursion on its own accord, an explicit accumulator is necessary.

See Also

Tcl and LISP


Both f and next are "functional objects", which in Tcl just means "a command prefix", i.e. the first few words of a command.

Oiginally sum looked like this:

proc sum {f a next b} {
    expr {$a>$b? 0 : [{*}$f $a] + [sum $f [{*}$next $a] $next $b]}

But in order to avoid stack growth due to recursive calls, it has been replaced with the version below that uses tailcall.


proc demo args {
    puts $args
    puts \n\t[uplevel 1 $args]\n

proc sum {f a next b {accum 0}} {
    if {$a > $b} {
        return $accum
    set accum [expr {$accum + [{*}$f $a]}]
    ::tailcall sum $f [{*}$next $a] $next $b $accum
# --------------------------- small building blocks:
proc cube x {expr {$x*$x*$x}}
proc inc  x {incr x} ;# argument x is value, instead of name
proc lambda {argl body} {
    list ::apply [list $argl $body [uplevel 1 {namespace current}]]

if 0 {

This handful of code allows us to reproduce the Scheme results from SICP. For more info, see there.

  • sum the cubes of 1..10:

demo sum cube 1 inc 10 ;# -> 3025 
demo sum cube 1 [lambda x {incr x}] 10 ;# -> 3025

if 0 {
  • sum the integers from 1 to 10:

demo proc identity x {set x}
demo sum identity 1 inc 10 ;# -> 55
demo sum [lambda x {set x}] 1 [lambda x {incr x}] 10 ;# -> 55

if 0 {
  • approximate Pi one slow way:

demo proc pi-term x {expr {1.0 / ($x * ($x+2))}}
demo proc pi-next x {expr {$x + 4}}
demo expr {[sum pi-term 1 pi-next 1000] *8 } ;# -> 3.1395926555897828

if 0 {

Previously, the run limit could be increased from 1000 until 2756 before raising the "too many nested calls..." error --( and still gave a less precise approximation than the good old atan(1)*4. Now that sum uses tailcall, there is no run limit.

  • integrate a function f between limits a and b:

demo proc integral0 {f a b dx} {
    set ::globaldx $dx
    expr {[sum $f [expr {$a + $::globaldx / 2}] add-dx $b] * $dx}
demo proc add-dx x {expr {$x+$::globaldx}}
demo integral0 cube 0 1 .0016 ;# -> 0.2499996800000055

if 0 {

Here however I had to start to compromise: instead of Scheme's lexical scoping, where dx is visible everywhere inside integral's body, including the add-dx function, I had to elevate dx to global status, which is ugly; and Tcl's recursion depth limit caught me before I could try SICP's dx value of 0.001 - the result is still close (but no cigar) to the correct result of 0.25. Oh wait, at least in this case we can emulate lexical scoping more closely, by embodying $dx into a "live proc body" of add-dx:


demo proc integral {f a b dx} {
    proc add-dx x "expr {\$x+$dx}"
    expr {[sum $f [expr {$a+$dx/2}] add-dx $b] * $dx}
demo integral cube 0 1 .00146 ;# -> 0.25009974849771255

if 0 {

A cleaner way to implement this "closure" would be an added default argument, like they do in Python - the body can remain braced, but the argument list of add-dx now "inherits" from outside:


demo proc integral {f a b dx} {
    proc add-dx "x {dx $dx}" {expr {$x+$dx}}
    expr {[sum $f [expr {$a+$dx/2}] add-dx $b] * $dx}

if 0 {

Slightly off-topic, but as all building blocks are there, here's a stint on the derivative of a function, using the default args method, inheriting one argument from deriv, and one from global namespace:


demo proc deriv g {
    lambda [list x [list g $g] [list dx $::dx]] \
        {expr {([{*}$g [expr {$x+$dx}]] - [{*}$g $x])/$dx}}
demo set dx 0.00001 ;# well, in SICP they have it global too...
demo {*}[deriv [lambda x {expr $x*$x*$x}]] 5 ;# -> 75.0001499966

if 0 {

Anyway, I'm again surprised how many steps towards functional programming are possible with Tcl .. and more to come.
