Third European Tcl/Tk Users Meeting

The Third European Tcl/Tk Users Meeting was held from 2002-06-27 to 2002-06-28, at the Siemens Trainings Center in Munich/Perlach, Otto-Hahn-Ring 8.

The presentations of this meeting are available at the EuroTcl site .


50 EUR including beverages (Coffee and Juices)
Registration and Info
Michael Haschek, (


planning information
official site
Conference Proceedings (alternate )
electronic copies of presented papers
comments by Erik Allaert
slides of jcw's presentation


Accomodation: I have contacted the NOVOTEL near to Siemens and they offer for attendees a special price of EUR 93,- per night/Single. You can also make a reservation by phone : 089 / 638 000. Please mention "Tcl/Tk User Meeting" to get the price. General: I have done a reservation for a room for up to 70 people, which includes beamer, micro, etc. Outside there is some room for companies who wants representing themselves. As this space is limited it is offered on a first-comes first-serves basis. There is no fee ! But you can donate something

Lunch can be taken at the Siemens mensa on your own (they have affordable prices).

If the weather is fine we can go on Thursday evening to a Beergarden.


March 31 2002
Short description of papers, start of scheduling
May 31 2002
Final version of papers

EuroTcl #3 was a great get-together (IMHO -jcw) RS agrees, he liked it very much that we had a "live Tcl chat" with arjen, bach, de, jcw, rmax, tclguy...

The plan is to release an attendee list (without emails to prevent spam). A list with all emails has been sent to all attendees (or just all presenters? - not sure).

Another thing that was agreed upon is to make as many presentation slides and talks available on the web (as far as available). Michael Haschek, the organizer asked everyone to send him material in HTML or PDF form, and real soon too because he's leaving for a long US trip.