Is This File Mine?

hv When running in a shared environment, I often need to determine if a file belongs to me or not. Here is how I do it, if you know a different way, please contribute.

package require Tclx

# Does this file belong to me?
proc fileIsMine {fileName} {
    if {![file exists $fileName]} { return 0 }
    file stat $fileName stat
    if {$stat(uid) == [id userid]} {
        return 1
    } else {
        return 0

# Rough test
set allFiles [glob -nocomplain /tmp/*]
set myUid [id userid]

foreach f $allFiles {
    file stat $f filestat
    if {[fileIsMine $f]} {
        puts "mine     - $f"
    } else {
        puts "not mine - $f"

DKF: An alternative approach is to use file owned. That can answer this question, but only this question; it doesn't say anything about who owns the file if it is owned by anyone else.

hv Thank you DKF. That shows how little I know.