titles with multiple blanks

fr this page is created using a link containing leading/repeated/trailing blanks

as of sept 08 titles with multiple blanks cannot be created. The code below lists older pages. On these pages the references are not shown, when clicking on the title.

 # search whitespace other than blank in page titles and repeated blanks
 package require Mk4tcl
 proc titles {{wdb wikit-20080901.tkd} {resfile ex.tmp}} {
   cd [file dirname [info script]]
   set of [open $resfile w]
   mk::file open db $wdb
   set cnt 0
   mk::loop i db.pages {
     incr cnt
     set name [mk::get $i name]
     set z [list]
     foreach char [split $name {}] {
       scan $char %c k
       if {$k<32} {
         lappend z [format %d $k]
     if {[llength $z]} {
       puts $of *[list [string range $i 9 end] $name $z]
     if {[regexp {\ \ } $name]} {
       puts $of +[list [string range $i 9 end] $name $z]
   close $of
   mk::file close db

LV Have you reported an error with regards to this on the wiki bug database?