Ready-to-use Components. TabNotebooks, Vertical & Horizontal Menus, etc.

(refers to Mel's Internet Toolkit)

Here is a partial listing:

  1. after
  2. tk::bookmark
  3. calculator
  4. tk::calendar::1
  5. tk::calendar::2
  6. tk::center
  7. tk::countries
  8. tk::db::table
  9. tk::dialog::error
  10. tk::dialog::information
  11. tk::dialog::question
  12. tk::dialog::shell::1
  13. tk::dialog::shell::2
  14. tk::dialog::shell::3
  15. tk::dialog::warning
  16. tk::disable
  17. tk::divider::1
  18. tk::divider::2
  19. tk::divider::3
  20. tk::email
  21. tk::env
  22. tk::find
  23. tk::footer
  24. tk::form::2
  25. tk::form
  26. tk::groupbox::1
  27. tk::groupbox::3
  28. tk::hierarchy
  29. tk::labeled
  30. tk::listsort
  31. tk::macbutton
  32. tk::menu::h::1
  33. tk::menu::h2
  34. tk::menu::v::1
  35. tk::menu::v::2
  36. tk::menu::v::3
  37. tk::notebook::1
  38. tk::notebook::2
  39. tk::notebook::3
  40. tk::notebook::4
  41. tk::notebook::5
  42. tk::notebook::6
  43. tk::notebook::7
  44. tk::notify
  45. tk::phone
  46. tk::postit
  47. tk::quotation
  48. tk::rounded
  49. tk::search
  50. tk::playsound
  51. tk::states
  52. tk::steps
  53. tk::template::1
  54. tk::template::2
  55. tk::template::3
  56. tk::template::4
  57. tk::tree:
  58. tk::url:popup

RS Warning: even though most of these use the ::tk namespace, they are not part of Tk. But some of them look as if they could easily occur in Tk too, like ::tk::dialog, leading to subtle bugs because of names duplication. Better: If you write something like "Hal's Foo Bar", put it in the ::HalFooBar namespace, to avoid clashes.

LV Another concern I have is that after is mentioned above - which is a command already in the tcl arena.