Public IP

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[dbohdan] 2015-03-18: Here is my solution for how to get your globally routable IP address. It is based on [|%this helpful answer on ServerFault] and uses the [DNS] protocol. One upside of the approach is that the DNS servers used are more likely to last and have a good uptime than your average free your-IP-over-a-[REST]-API service.

Download with [wiki-reaper]: `wiki-reaper -x 44451 0 >`

** See also **
   * [how to find my own IP address]

** Code **

#! /usr/bin/env tclsh
# Public IP library for Tcl, version 0.4.0.# Copyright (c) 2015-2016, 2020-2021, 2024 D. Bohdan.
# License: MIT.
package require Tcl 8.5-10 9

namespace eval public-ip {
    package require dns

    variable ready 0
    variable services {
        ipv4 {
            akamai {
                -type A
            google {
                -type TXT
            opendns {
                -type A
            ultradns {
                -type A

# Resolve the public IP address using one service.
# Usage: query ?akamai|google|opendns|ultradns?
proc public-ip::query {{service google} {protocol ipv4}} {
    variable services

    set service [dict get $services $protocol $service]
    set id [dns::resolve \
        {*}$service \
        -command [namespace current]::query-ready \

    vwait [namespace current]::ready

    if {[dns::status $id] ne {ok}} {
        set error [dns::error $id]
        dns::cleanup $id
        error $error

    set rdata [dict get [lindex [dns::result $id] 0] rdata]
    dns::cleanup $id
    return $rdata

# Used internally by [query].
proc public-ip::query-ready token {
    set [namespace  current]::ready 1

# Resolve the public IP address using all of the available services for the
# selected protocol.  If one of the services returns a different address than
# the others, generate an error.
proc public-ip::query-all {{protocol ipv4}} {
    variable services

    set ip {}

    foreach service [dict keys [dict get $services $protocol]] {
        set resolved [query $service $protocol]

        if {$ip eq {}} {
            set ip $resolved
            set ipResolver $service
        } elseif {$ip ne $resolved} {
            error "got $protocol address $ip from $ipResolver but\
                   $resolved from $service"

    return $ip

proc public-ip::test {{protocol ipv4}} {
    puts [query-all $protocol]

# If this is the main script...
if {[info exists argv0] && ([file tail [info script]] eq [file tail $argv0])} {

<<categories>>Internet | Package